chapter 15

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I grabbed the fork and knife and cut out a small piece of the omelet. I took a bite, and holy shit was this good.

"Ahh~ wow I didn't know it would taste this good," I said with slight amazement while looking at Bakugo and lightly punched his shoulder.

"Y-yeah," he said while he continued to eat his food with a slight blush on his cheeks.

awww~ fucking adorable.


y/n pov

The clock above the shelf read 7:10 am and school doesn't start until 8:20.

"Ne, Katsuki you go and take a shower, ill clean up around here since you did all the cooking", i said while waving my hand off.

He nodded his head in reply and headed upstairs.

Once i was done washing dishes and cleaning, i went over to the closet and grabbed a whole new tissue box because i was still sick from last night.

 I also grabbed an extra plastic baggy for the used tissues.



time skip brought to u by yours truly

(In UA classroom)

(A/N MUST READ: so I'm gonna skip the USJ attack or whatever it was called where the villains broke in during their training. bc I really want to start writing the UA sports festival part, Ty for understanding)

"As you all know, it'll be 3 weeks before the UA sports festival but since we've been caught up in unnecessary events, our training sessions have been delayed. You all have 3 weeks to train hard and focus on doing your best and getting some rest. Any questions?", Aizawa announced.

No one raised their hand.

"Okay then, class dismissed".

I looked to the right to see Ochako-chan coming towards me. She then spoke up with a smile and said "Hey Y/N-san, a few other girls and I are going to the mall this weekend to hang out, wanna come?", she asked.

before I could say 'yes' Kaminari and his friends also agreed that they'd be coming to.

"S-sure Ochako-chan! Where do we meet up?", I asked

"We made a group chat, ill send you the invite later. We'll be going tomorrow, let me know if u need a ride!", she said while walking off towards the back of the classroom to ask Momo if she wanted to come.

I looked to the right to ask Bakugo if he wanted to come with us but he was already gone.

"Ne Izuku, where did Bakugo go? Did he leave early?", i asked politely.

"Y-yeah, he left right after sensei said class dismissed.", he replied.

"A-ah okay"

With that, I left the classroom and headed out. Luckily our houses were in the same direction so I was hoping to catch up with him. I looked around but saw nothing. I walked past a few alleyways and it started to get dark outside so I decided to just head back home.

I unlocked my door and stepped in while taking off my shoes. Heading towards the kitchen I started to cook up some of my (favorite food) for dinner. As I started to heat up the stove I heard a loud crash that sounded like glass shattering. I quickly snapped my head behind me to see a man with light blue- grayish hair with hands covering myself.

I know I've heard of him somewhere...

I thought for a little bit until I realized who it was.

Tomura..... Tomura Shigaraki

I stood there with fear planted upon my face.

T-this guy is with the league of villains.




okiiii chapter is finished. sorry for not posting, I had to keep up my other accounts and focus on sports so I didn't have enough time to get in a chapter so thank you for waiting!!!

sorry for any grammar mistakes, I don't have time to fix them rn!

ty goodbye

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