2K Views & Q/A

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Hey Guys i would just like to thank you all for 2K views on this story. I never expected to gain views like this so fast!! So again thank you!!! Also leave suggestions in the comments too! Bc i want to learn how to become a better writer and stuff like that.

Anyways, i would like to get to know some of my readers a bit more so i know how to guide this book to how we all like. I sadly wont be taking personal requests because this is a public book but ill make a different book after this one with all of your requests. 

For now here's a little Q/A for my readers!!

(PLEASE highlight the text and then comment so i know which question you are answering too!)

Q1) What kind of a relationship do you want with Bakugo?

a) very sexual    b) cute, embarrassing each other, getting closer to each other  c)-How it already is in the story   d) other, give description

Q2) What kind of character/ personality would you like to have?

a) shy, only opens up to Bakugo and friends   b) go crazy go stupid  c) How it already is in the story.  d) other, give description

Q3) Who is you best friend(s) or who do you get along with best?

a) Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Kaminari, Bakugo  b) everyone   c) all girls   d) Ochako, Momo, Todoroki, Iida, izuku

Q4) Do you want scenarios with you and Bakugo. ( EX: You trip on water and fall into ur hubby's arms)

a) YES MA'AM   b) What in the actual fuck, no  c) Sometimes/ Rarely

Q5) Do you wanna do the "blush" thing or nah.

a) sometimes   b) no thx mom  c)YES ALL THE tiME   d) just do what you want author-san.

Q6) Do you want me to describe outfits so you can get a general idea, or at least my preferable outfit to go with the story. (Outfits are completely flexible, wear what you wanna wear)

a) yes pls   b) no  c) describe the outfits and give a picture reference

Thank you guys for reading and please answer these questions!! Your response will really help me more than you realize! So please, if you have a few minutes to spare, just answer these few questions!!

ill post a new chapter tommorow or the day after based on the question results!! Thank you!!

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