chapter 8

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He was about to say something but I already left. I requiped out of my armour and back into my skintight black suit and headed for Ilda. I crept behind a pillar to see him standing and staring at my pillar. Oh god I know he's gonna say it-

"You know I can see you standing behind there right", he said.

"Well yeah duh that's literally the reason why I'm staring right at you. You thought I didn't notice? It was just too obvious.", I said in a sarcastic way.



I ran towards the bomb only to be surrounded by some sort of net.

"W-what Is this stuff", I quietly said, shocked.

"I knew you were coming so I set up a-", Ilda was cut of when I requiped a sword and cut off all the ropes.

"H-how did you?", he exclaimed.

"Too slow", i replied.

At that moment, i looked at his face and it showed a face full of sorrow and disappointment but a few seconds later it went back to his determined manner. For a second there i felt bad, but then again this is just a game, not any sort of contest of strength, right?

I raced towards the rocket looking bomb and got a hold of it. That means we won!

"Team A, Heroes, Izuku Midorya and Y/n L/n have defeated the villains. Congrats.", Aizawa said in a bored voice.

"Ah good game Ilda-kun, but why are they still fighting? Did they not hear?", I said but was then interrupted of a flashback of my childhood thoughts, "N-no why would you do that to izuku, bakugo, don't tell me your planning to-?". Before i could finish my sentence we heard a loud boom and i saw smoke arising.

I ran towards the window to see Izuku flying out with a broken arm and with burning scars all over him. "Izuku!", i shouted and jumped out the window to catch him. He layed limp in my arms but was still conscious. 

"Izuku are you okay! Say something!" i whisper shouted. I layed him back on the road as recovery girl game over with a large cot for Izuku. I looked up to see a window full of the rest of class A with looks of astonishment, worry, and other mixed emotions. I looked back down to see him unconscious and bruised. 

Over by the side i saw Bakugo clutching his hand and staring at him angrily. I shot him a menacing glare and stood up. I looked towards Izuku with sorrow in my eyes for only a mere second then walked back towards the rest of class A, which were above the scene.

"Y/n, are you and Izuku okay?", Ochako said in a worried tone.

"Y-Yeah im fine, but i don't know about Izuku. Its okay though, im leaving early to untangle my thoughts. I dont think i can concentrate in a crowded area like this" i replied quietly, while lightly scratching the back of my head. Im also kinda tired from using my quirk too but not too much.


I was walking home with mixed emotions inside my head. This was the first time i had been worried sick or afraid as hell in a while. And also the fact that i couldn't save izuku made me even more frustrated. Are you kidding me? Have i been training for over 5 years to later on figure out that im still useless. As i walked faster and faster my eyes became more teary and my vision became more blurry. I could only see a mix of green, blue, and yellow as i ran to my apartment.

But my thoughts were interrupted by the one and only-, "Hey! What the hell do you think your doing!", a raspy, loud ass, annoying voice shouted towards me as he grabbed the back of my hoodie and pulled my upwards. I quickly got out of his grasp and looked him straight in the eyes(Or at least what i guessed was the eyes). "Im not in the mood for your bullshit so just leave me alone". I said in a firm but weak voice.

"Who the hell do you think your talking to-", he cut off when he heard me crying. Oh nice i just had to do that right in front of him. Good idea, yup just what a great idea. Now's not really the time to show him how weak i am. But i continued.

I stood in front of him with my head in my hands. My tears dropping to the floor were so loud they could be heard as the hit the stone cold concrete. Plat, Plat, Plat! He looked down to see my hands soaked in tears, and his face had a "Oh shit what did i do, holy shit man what the heck shes crying what am i supposed to do and why the fuck is she crying someone please tell me before i say the wrong thing and get my ass beat by fucking all might himself".

"I just want you to-", i was cut of (haha i know im doing that "oh i was uh cut off or whatever" like 20 times pls put up with me i need to go pee in a cup and chug chug it) By bakugo grabbing my shoulder causing me to look up at him with somewhat confused expression.

"Im sorry", he said in his jacked up, ass wipe, raspy voice. Yeah he just yelled im sorry. I couldn't help but, ykno, laugh.

It started with a few giggles, then i just started laughing, "What the heck Bakugo, what was that, that was so aggressive!", i exclaimed while laughing.

"It wasn't supposed to be like that", he said in an annoyed, quiet voice.

I looked up at his hedgehog face and then smiled, "Whatever, hopefully UA teaches you how to handle your emotions, and possibly teach you how to say "im sorry" in a nicer way too", i said while giggling and making a joke out of him.

"HEy you Bitch-", He exclaimed.

I pushed him, making him skip a few steps, "C'mon, lets walk home together". I said in a calm, reassuring voice.





hoihohihoihho chapter finished. and ur just gonna have to wait for a new one. Please constantly remind me to update because i forget like every 5 minutes.

sorry for all the grammar mistakes

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