Chapter 12 - Sick

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Y/N Pov

I walked back to the stove and stumbled a bit. My vision went a bit hazy and i put my hand on my head for support. It went clear for a a second so i thought i was okay. I picked up one of the unused pans and went to the cabinet to put it away but i felt so nauscious ( bruh how do you spell that word??) and my vision went blurry again. Whats happening to me? I tried blinking a few times but i couldn't keep my eyes open and started swaying a bit until i fell with a loud bang. I dropped the pan before i hit the floor but it still made a loud sound. I felt my eyes shut for the last time as i fell into a deep sleep.





I waited for y/n to come back to the table so we could eat together but she was taking a bit long. She was just only going to go put back some dishes-


"Y/N", i shouted in concern as i ran over to the kitchen to see her on the ground with a pan not too far from her. I kneeled down beside her and lightly slapped her face as i put her head on my lap.

"y/n", i repeated a couple of times until i realized she fainted. I took a 5 second gaze at her face, shes not so bad looking when shes sleeping and all. I stared at her face for a couple of seconds before I picked her up bridal style and carried her over to the couch and set her down. After a few minutes she started sweating and i felt her forehead.


(oh katsuki ur so fucking dumb, she just got a fever. Looks like Its time to bring out the holy water).

Is she just sick or something? I grabbed out my phone and searched up "what does it mean when someone is sweating crazy as hell and what do i do".

The internet read "The person whom you are talking about probably has a fever. High temperature and sweating a lot is a few of the symptoms. If you were out in the rain earlier and forgot an umbrella, that could've been one of the causes. Another one--"

ARE YOU KIDDING ME, that damn brat was worrying about me the whole entire time and wasn't even paying attention to herself. My cheeks turned pink at the thought but went back to normal in a couple of seconds.

"It seems like your the fucking idiot now", i said slightly angered.




Bakugo chucked looked down at his phone again to see what to do for her fever. 

"Just so you know, im never fucking doing this for you ever again.", he whispered angrily.

He read his screen, "Method 1: Part 1: First heat up a bowl of hot water and grab a small towel and fold it into a small rectangle shape. Then once the water is heated enough, drench the towel in the water and then remove and squeeze out as much as excess water as you can. Then place it on your "patients" forehead. Method 1: Part 2: when having a fever, having tight clothes could cause poor circulation or irritation of the skin when having a severe fever. Strip the patient of any tight-"

Bakugou's face went completely red as he chucked his phone on the ground and went up to the stove to boil some hot water. He then searched for a small towel and soaked it in the hot water, following the procedure as needed. Except for Method 1:Part 2.

He cleared your fore head of any hair strands sticking to your face and placed the hot towel on your forehead. Then he sat there, minutes of thinking and staring into no space.

Might as well clean up the kitchen, shes too sick to do it herself

Time skip to after kacchan fucking cleans your kitchen to the max and fucking leaves it sparkly clean as fuck. What a fucking gentleman-

"DIE YOU FUCKING GERMS", he said after he was finished cleaning the last dish. He washed his hands and then came back to check on you once more. 

y/n POV

He sat for a few minutes staring into space until you fluttered your eyes open and clutched your head. You head was pounding and your vision was still kinda blurry. You looked around to see a blond hedgehog looking thing sitting across from you.



"OH MY GOD IT JUST TALKED HOLY FU-", You screamed as you rubbed your eyes, "Oh its just you Katsuki. What happened?"

"I'd like to ask you the same god damn question you crazy woman". he replied and scowled.

"O-oh i still need to go clean the kitchen", you said as you stumbled upwards trying to walk towards the kitchen but you tripped from the loss of so much energy.

"K-kyaa!", you screamed expecting to hit the edge of the table next to you but something (get ready for it) firm and muscular held you up before you could hit the ground.

"I already cleaned it while you were sleeping your ass off on the couch because you got a fever. Also, you need to be more careful.", he said as he held you up and helped you sit back down on the couch. You blushed a deep red when your face was in his chest and took in a deep scent of cinnamon cologne slightly watered down by the rain. He only had his undershirt on which was a tight, black, short sleeved, v-neck---

"T-thanks, but you really didn't need to. N-now i feel kinda bad." You said sheepishly as you quietly said and turned your head to the bottom right corner and blushed a deep pink.

"Its fine, we should go to sleep though, its 1 o-clock right now.", he said.

"k, can you help me get to my room, its the first room upstairs and to the right. I just need you to help me stand up- Katsuki what are you doing, Let me down!",i squealed surprisingly (no, reader chan) as he picked me up on his back, piggy back riding me to my room. I wrapped my arms around his neck for support as he walked up to my room. He opened the door and dropped me on my bed.

(By the way, your room looks however you like, so you know that dream "cars" bed you've always wanted < the one with the tires and steering wheel on the side, yall know what i be up to>, yeah you can put like 20 of those in your room. Be creative you fucking wimps. Have a collection of dildos for all i care. Go fucking stupid with your room.)

"I'll go sleep downstairs on the couch", he said while nearing towards the door.

"W-wait you can sleep here if you want!- I mean not like that!!", you said scratching the back of your head while trying to hide your embarrassment, "There's a couple of blankets and pillows in my closet if you just want to set up something on the floor right next to me. Plus its kinda dirty to sleep on the couch."

He looked back and nodded while saying "sure" and climbed downstairs to get his backpack and mine.






eNddddddd hAHha have fun losers i'll update tomorrow.

sorry for any grammatical errors

by oni san

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