Chapter 2 - Zawa

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OKAY JUST TO CLARIFY, ZAWA IS AN OC, THIS IS NOT AIZAWA YOU FREAKING ASSHATS. thank you for understanding. you r not an asshat anymore. keep reading luvs. haha go on pls, dont stop reading I need views. I can be mean sometimes, pls understand my ugLi behavior. have fun and please proceed

Your POV

You felt a hand reach toward you, then u saw nothing but black
"Y/n", a voice said. "Y/n", the voice repeated, slightly louder. Your eyes slowly crept open, blinking a few times to get used to the brightest of the lights.

A black appearing figure hovered over your  and said, "My name is Zawa, and I'm so sorry, y/n". He spoke quietly, as if he was familiar with who I was. I recognize that voice...

"Z-zawa kun?", I spoke quietly, "Is that really you".

He nodded slightly as I slowly got up from a soft mattress covered in black and blue.

I rubbed my eyes again, re assuring myself that I was still alive. I looked over at Zawa and he was walking towards me with a plate and cup in hand. "You should eat", he spoke.

I nodded a bit and looked down at the tray handed to me. Zawa kun was my nefew (or however u spell it).

He's 18 years old with black hair and dark blue eyes that never stopped glowing. It's been years since I've seen him, but why now? Zawa kun was the only person that ever cared for me.

He spent time with me, we shared so many priceless memories together. And now he's back, after disappearing for 3 years and only telling me where he was at.

He had hero duty, although he wasn't a higher class hero, he would still do anything he could to help save people.

I once looked up to him, that was the time when I wanted to be a hero. But things change, time changes, the town changes, but most of all people change.

I looked at the clock and it read 11:42pm. "You should sleep", he simply implied.

I looked at him, put my tray on the night stand beside my, and ducked my head under the sheets.

I really didn't want to talk right now so I just replied with a simple, "Thank you, Zawa kun".

With that, I fell asleep, back into the pool of hatred I was about to escape from.

Pretty short chapter but okay.

Yeah I have school
So I don't know when I'll update
Time goes by fast
I'ma go

Oof bye I guess

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