A Year Later

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Hey guys sorry for not updating. I have been training for races coming up and didn't have time. I'll update twice today one later tonight. Thanks for being patient!


It has been a year since I left Rosewood. I started a plane and car company called Æ. My company took off and I am now rich. Did I mention that I go by Ali Fields because I always have a piece of Emily and so nobody knows I'm Ali DiLaurentis and turns me in. I adopted a little girl and named her Madeline Paige Fields. She is 4. I have missed Emily like crazy and have almost gone back quite a few times. I live right outside Rosewood in a big house and I have lots of body guards and drivers. This is to protect me from A because if A finds out that I'm so close to Rosewood, it would come after me. Today I decide that I need to find Emily and explain EVERYTHING to her. I know Emily's phone number by heart and I put it into my new phone. I send her a text, Em, I know you won't think this is truly me but it is. It's Alison. I know I have a to to explain so I will have one of my guards to get you and bring you to me. Go to our spot in 10 min and my guard will come by the name of Terrance. Trust him, listen to exactly what he says. I'll see you soon Em. I love you;) If you don't come it means you don't want any part of me anymore and I will leave you alone. -Ali

You have no idea how bad I want to see Emily again. It has been pure torture to stay away but it was to protect her.

Emily POV

I was at work at the brew when I get a text. When I see who it's from, I drop my phone and nearly pass out. I ask my co-worker if she can finish my shift and she does. I get my stuff and go straight to the kissing rock, Ali and I's secret spot. When I get there, there is a man standing there in a suit and tie. He says, Emily? I nod my head and he says, "My name is Terrance and I believe Ms. Fields said to pick you up here is that correct? I shake my head yes and he leads me to his very nice car. Right above the back tired there is an Æ in silver writing. I wondered what it meant the whole 15 minutes it took to get to a big house in the middle of nowhere. The house had a pool and a large garden. Terrance leads me to the front door and opens the door for me. I walk in and Ali is standing in the doorway. I run to her and hug her tightly. "It's really you!" Is all I can manage to say. I don't want to pull away but Ali does so I do the same. She sticks her hand out ANC I grab it as she leads me to the couch. "Please let me explain without all your questions yet then if you still have questions then I'll answer them." She says and all I can do is nod. "I ran out of the school after the bathroom incident and got a text. The text told my to leave Rosewood, you would get hurt so I went home, packed, and started walking. I got some help along the way but not much. I began making cars and planes and they became very popular. They started selling like crazy and I got fairly rich. I moved as close to Rosewood as possible without actually being in Rosewood. I built this house and adopted a baby girl and named her Madeline Paige. She is now 4 years old and knows only a little about my past. We have a pool but she can't swim yet. I just want to say that I'm so sorry for leaving you the way I did and I feel terrible. I needed to keep you safe and that's why I did it." she says pretty quickly and I pick up most of it. I ask "Where is this daughter of yours?" and I am surprised by a little girl running down the steps. "Mwommy Mwommy I'm hungry!" the little girl says. When she sees me she goes quiet. "Mommy I tot you said nobody could eber know dat we wived hewe." the girl said in a quiet voice towards Ali. "I know baby but this is Emily. We can trust her no matter what ok?" "Ok" Madeline says as she gives me a giant hug and a kiss on the nose. I smile and say "Nice to meet you Madeline" I say when she pulls away from the long embrace. "You can call me Maddie. Thats what all the drivers call me." And with this she bounces away with Ali's signature walk. "She is exactly like you Ali!" I cheer.

Ali just shrugs and says, "No not really" "Hey Ali, why did the driver who picked me up call you Ms. Fields?" I ask. "I needed a part of you with me all the time and I also didn't want anyone to recognize my name so I am Alison Fields here." she says confidently. I smile and she asks me if I want to stay here with her or go back to Rosewood and I reply "You definitely!" I look her straight in the eyes and we lean in to kiss. I miss her lips so much. "Hey Mwomm- Wha!" Maddie yells from the doorway of the kitchen. We pull away and chuckle. Maddie comes over to us and says, "Are you gonna get mawwied?" she asks in a very sweet, innocent voice. "I'm not sure but that is something we will figure out along the way. "Emmy?" Maddie asks me. "Hmm" I say ready answer a question from Madeline. "Can I call you Mwamma?" I smile and look at Ali. She is also smiling also so I say, "Why not Princess" she smiles and looks at Ali and says Mwommy, then looks at me and says Mwamma.

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