Angel (cute)

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Jacob's POV

Grabbing my bag from my locker, I slung it over my shoulder, resting on my back. I shut the locker door before closing up the lock and twisting the number pad.

Turning around and ready to leave the school for the day, I saw her. The angel.

She stood, talking with a friend across the hall, them both softly laughing about something. I stared at her, unable to move. How badly wish I could talk to her. How badly I wish she knew my name. How badly I wished she would care enough to so much as glance my way.

She repositioned herself, switching her body weight to the other hip, clutching a blue notebook across her chest. She nodded her head to something the other girl said, and I could make out the words "I know" coming from her mouth as she adjusted the white cardigan over her shoulder.

I had seen her around the school for the past few months, but never gotten the courage to speak to her. She was gorgeous, my definition of perfect. I hadn't even had the courage to ask anyone about her, not even as much as her name. Instead, I found out her name by glancing at the neatly-written name tag at the top of her Physics notebook when she took it out of her locker last month.


The angel had a name that somehow perfectly fit her beautiful looks. Never had I found myself to be so obsessed with a girl before, but there was just something about her. Something special that made me so anxious when I saw her or heard her voice talking to a friend. But, the voice never spoke to me, and i was slowly losing hope that it ever would.

I've always known I have social anxiety, it's been a trait I have had since I was in middle school. But I never realized how bad it was until I noticed her. So badly I wanted to walk up and talk to her, maybe even a say just simple "hello." But something held me back. I couldn't bring myself to ever cross the hallway and properly meet her.

So instead I've always stood back at each passing period when I saw her across the hallway, stood by her locker that was directly across from mine, just watching. Watching the angel of a girl, wishing she knew my name. Wishing  she would walk up to me and begin a conversation.

"Okay, see you later girl." Y/n smiled to her friend, leaving in to hug the brunette girl who wore a black dress with a white flannel around her waist. The girl walked away, down the hallway, and I stood like a creep watching her.

I looked back in the direction of where the two girls just were, where now only y/n stood. As I looked back, what I saw left my frozen, anxious and nervous. The angel was looking at me. Her eyes were on mine. But then, she smiled. That smile I had seen several times, but never directed at me. The angle was smiling at me.

I felt like I couldn't move as she began taking graceful steps forward across the hallway, her white converse making the slightest thuds against the tile flooring. As she approached me, my social anxiety was screaming at me to run, but the rest of me was telling me to stay. This is what I wanted. She was what I wanted.

"Hey, I've seen you around the hallways." Y/n spoke to me for the first time ever. "It's Jacob, right?"

She knew my name?

"Uh, y-yeah." I struggled to even speak.

"Well hi, I'm y/n." She introduced herself like I didn't already know who she was. Like I didn't spend each day watching her from across the hallway, each day wishing that this very thing would happen.

"H-hi." I stuttered, probably looking like a completed idiot.

She giggled softly, brushing her hair behind her ear, looking up at me through gorgeous eyes. "You're cute." She smiled, probably taking note of the heat rushing to my cheeks, making them appear an even deeper red than my rosacea already made them.

My heart began pounding again, harder than ever. The angel called me cute. Y/n called me cute. I was frozen in place, like my feet were glued to the tile flooring.

"I-I, Uh, thanks..." I couldn't form a coherent sentence, as displayed by my stuttering.

"Here," she reached for something in the pocket of her white cardigan. She pulled out a small slip of paper, all folded up and slightly wrinkled. She handed it to me. "Call me sometime." Her right eye fell into a wink before she walked away, her hair gently swaying against the back of her shoulders as she walked.

With my adrenaline rushing and my heart accelerating, I looked down at the paper. Hesitantly, I lifted one of the corners, opening up the slip of paper.

Written nearly on the paper in purple pen ink, was a small note, completed by a phone number at the bottom:


I see you across the hallway every day looking at me. You're cute, we should definitely hang out sometime. Call me xx  (***) - *** - ****
                                     - Y/n

I looked up from the note, seeing the hallway now nearly empty due to it being the end of the day. I couldn't help but smile cheekily. I had just gotten the angel's number. Maybe living with social anxiety wasn't so impossible after all.

Short but holds a good message. This was directed at people who have social anxiety, like many people I know. You're not alone and some things aren't as difficult as they make out to be. Love you all❤️

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