The Lost Recipe

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Hello, ONE and all! At long last, The Great Candied Adventure! The pirate adventure begins with our favorite raccoon lassie and her Sector V pals!

Chapter 1: The Lost Recipe

Big Mom Pirates' Hideout

"All our ships have sailed off, Captain. It won't be long until the Sugary Wonders are in our grasp."

"I would hope so for your succulent sake, Black John. But what of the recipe requiring such sweets? Your men will never find them, if you do not know what they are."

"Ay've already sent Nickel Joe and the young'uns to acquire it. Assuming we can trust what Augustus says. Afterwards, they're going to catch the spicy wench which badmouthed ye."

"Ma ma ma ma. I've never felt more hungry for sugar and spice. See to it they return here soon. Or you will have to satisfy my blood-sugar levels..."

Sector V Treehouse

A casual day at Sector V's treehouse. Kirie and Chris were playing games together (in which Kirie kicks butt), Aurora went over mission reports, and the others were doing their own thing. It was pretty calm and quiet, and they quite enjoyed the relaxation, considering their previous mission. But the silence was silenced when-

"WOOHOOOO!" Sheila Frantic burst into the living room, more excited than she's ever been. "OooooKAY! It's a new day! Come on, everybody! Let's go on an adventure!"

Everybody looked at her with humorous, disbelieved smiles. "Isn't it a bit early, Sheila?" Mason asked.

"It's never too early for adventures, people! We just got done with the whole Nexus thinger, so that leaves room for even MORE adventures! So come on, wot's everyone so lazy for??"

"We just went on an adventure for more than a week, we wanna relax." Harry stated.

"And to be honest Sheila, we're still a little bummed over the whole 'Vanellope vanishing.'" Aurora reminded.

"Especially Dillon." Chris mentioned. "She was his adopted sister, after all."

The shadowbender as mentioned was seated on the couch, head rested on his hand as he wore a glum look. "Don't forget Game-and-Watch." Artie noted. "He doesn't even come out anymore."

"Well, bonkers, whoy don't we go out and SEARCH for Vanellope?? She might be in the forest, or back in Cyberspace for all we know! All I know, we AIN'T gonna find her by sittin' around! There's a whole world just WAITIN' to be explored!"

"Man, Sheila, why so peppy today?" Mason asked. "Someone put something in your soda?"

"You're the Soda Supplier, so that'd be your fault, Mason." Aurora remarked, earning a glare from the boy.

"Why WOULDN'T I be, mates?? It's a beautiful day today! There's a whole bunch of adventure in the air and Oi want ta WHIFF it all!"

Aurora chuckled. "Well, maybe we'll go on an adventure 'soon as we get a mission. But before that happens, we need to stay put so we'll be ready."

Sheila frowned grumpily and decided to walk out onto the balcony. Mason raised a brow and curiously walked after her.

Mason found his raccoon friend lying on the balcony floor, hands folded under her head in boredom. "Umm... Sheila? Is something wrong? You really aren't this excited for adventure every day. Is somethin' going on?"

"Siiiigh, nothin's goin' on, Mate. But Ah hate how no one else has the same taste in adventure as I do. No one has the same need for excitement. They just don't appreciate life as much."

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