Two Days

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Halright, welcome back to Candy Land! This time, let's put candy aside... and remember our favorite vegetable.

Chapter 11: Two Days

Spinach Fleet

"Ohhhh..." Mason and Sheila awoke on the deck of a ship.

"What did we just do..." Mason moaned.

"Blimey, I...I feel like me blood-sugar levels exploded. And yet, me mouth tastes like spinach..."

"You should-a be thanking us, no?"

The two looked up. They were surrounded by Spinach Soldiers, and not on the Sunny's deck, but rather the deck of one in their fleet of ships. "You-a little children crashed here out of nowhere just-a SHAKING with sugar, until we fed you one of our-a special medical spinaches." explained Amerigo Vespinachio. "We were just on our way to Canada to infect-a their farmlands with the same herbs. After all, no one can resist the Spinach Inquisition!"

And at that instant, the Spinach Monks burst into their classic song.

Just try it! You'll like it!

It's what we have to say!

Just taste it! You'll love it!

There IS no other WAAAAY!


"Yeahyeahyeahyeah okayokay." Mason stopped them. "How did we get out here?"

"We-a just told you, you kids-a just fell from the sky. It scared a lot of our-a little saplings. We-a have never seen a kid so-a hyped on sugar. It reminded me of this story from long ago, about a little girl who ate a cake."

"Sounds like a story we just heard." Mason noticed. "Does it have to do with the First Kids Next Door?"

"I-a don't know. But around 5,000 years ago, a little boy who loved vegetables saw one of his friends eat a cake that-a made her a sugary monster. The boy was repulsed-a, so he sought a way to counter such an atrocity, and found a land that was growing with spinach like no other-a. He invited others, and they all crowned the land La Spinachia, where that boy became the very first-a king. As-a you might surmise, he was the ancestor of the current-a king. Since then, the Spinachia Royal Family has-a made it their goal to spread the glory of spinach, and forever counter the evils that-a those candies bring. It has-a become a struggle, as our armada was always in the race with a fleet of candy-loving hoodlums, called-a the Big Moms."

"The Big Moms?!" Mason exclaimed. "We just got our butts kicked by them!"

"OH!!" the men gasped. "You-a have clashed with the dreaded Pirate Emperor, Big Mom?" Amerigo asked.

"Well, not exactly... just her commanders. But then she ate one of our friends after figuring out we were from Kids Next Door."

"Ay-ay-ay. So the two of us have a common enemy."

"Hey, that's right. Maybe YOU can help us defeat her!"

"OHHH HO HO HOOO!" They burst into laughter.

"You-a speak of the doomsday." Amerigo laughed. "Many a fleet have tried to sail to Candied Island. But many ships have-a fallen during the voyage, and the ones who have-a reached never survive the candy terrain for long. Besides-a, Big Mom is a beast! Her power comes from that which makes normal humans weak: sugary sweets. No amount of spinach we feed will-a poison her for long."

"Well blimey, there 'as to be SOME way!" Sheila proclaimed. "I wanna kick Big Mom's ass! I'll use me own FISTS if I have to!"

"Hmmmmm." The Spinach Men all stood in thought. "Well-a, there might be ONE thing that could work. There is a breed of vegetable so rich with healthy minerals, it can erase ANY trace of candy within the most hardened chocoholics. The Great White Asparagus-a."

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