Two-Tons' Treasure

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Okay, welcome back... still silent treatment.

Chapter 3: Two-Tons' Treasure

Sunny Day

It's been two hours since the Raccoon Pirates set sail, and Azultown's shore was far out of sight. There were hardly any clouds, and the sea was bright and sunny. Sheila, still seated on the keel, inhaled a big whiff of salty air through her nose, and sighed. "Ahhhhh. Isn't this way better than that dusty ol' treehouse, mates? For the first time since we started going on missions, I feel free."

"Mmmm... The sea does feel nice, though." Aurora sighed, resting her head on the railing. "And the sun's so... warm. I've been doing missions and reports my whole life, I forgot what it means to relax."

"Mm-hm." Haylee agreed. "Hey, wait a minute, shouldn't we have a navigator?"

"Kirie's the navigatuh." Sheila answered. "Same as being a tactician." Haylee looked over and saw Kirie drawing a kiddy picture of their ship sailing on the sea.

"Um... I think I should be the navigator AND carpenter. As a pilot, I have better sense at direction."

"All right, whatevuh."

Artie and Carol sat across from each other at a curtained table as the former spoke with his hat slanted over his eyes. "So, you want to join Sector V, do you. But Sector V asks, what have you got to bring? I mean, can you do anything?"

"Of course!" Carol spoke proudly. The rich girl was also holding a light-green parasol above her head to shield the sun. "I have a fighting style called Cash Combat."

"Cash Combat?"

"Exactly. No one can resist the power of cash, so I use that to my advantage! Watch." She walked to the railing, pulled out a bundle of dollars, and yelled, "Look! Money!" She tossed the bundle into the ocean, and Artie greedily jumped after it, then a giant fish popped up and ate them both. It landed back in the water and stuck its head above the surface before spitting Artie out, then submerging. "See?"

"Well, it's good distraction." Mason observed. "But still feels like a waste of money."

"You know Carol, as the treasurer, you're gonna have to keep track how much you use in battle." Aurora informed.

"Relax, I will. By the time this adventure's done, you'll be so adjusted to me and you won't even remember Whatsherface!"

"Hmph." Dillon walked away.

"Hmm, huffy." Carol glared.

"Well, at any rate," Chris said, standing up. "Hey Captain, mind if I go for a swim?"

"You'd be a wingnut if ya didn't, mate." Sheila said.

"Terrific." Chris approached the cabin and said to Haruka, "Wanna join me, Haru? You look pretty bored."

"Um, no thanks, I... forgot to pack my suit."

"That's okay, I packed it!" Mason beamed.


"Well, I'M the SUPPLIER!"

"Uuugh! Well, NOW I don't 'cause I'm afraid of getting BOY germs."

"You and Mase share the same room, what're you afraid of?" Chris asked.

"I don't like salt in my hair, either."

"Please, don't ALL bodies of water have some manner of filth?" Artie asked.


"Sheesh, coulda just said so." Chris said, continuing inside.

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