Sheila and the Crystal Marshmallow

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...Farfegtubing. X)

Chapter 5: Sheila and the Crystal Marshmallow

Big Ma'am

Black John Licorice returned to his ship and threw the captured Chef Pierre against the wall. "Uck! Incroyable! Do you happen to know who I am? I am the world-renowned ice cream chef, Pierre Glacé!"

"I know ye are." Black John smirked with malice. "That's why yer a vital asset to our plans."

"Mw-mw." They looked as Maggie returned, the one-foot-high child hauling the lunky form of Arthur Glacé in his freeze suit. Black John hauled the frostbit man out of his suit and stuck him inside a freezer with a glass door.

"Vait! He can't be out of his suit or-"

"Don't worry, we'll keep him cool." John assured as he put the mech-suit up against the wall. "As long as ye be 'cool' with us. We're well aware o' your skill in bakery, having constructed an ice cream cake SO massive, you c'n have a swarm of yer frosty delivery boys living in it. Why, even our young time-traveler here experienced it." He spared a glance to Rick Strowd, still examined by Lala. "Had it not been for him, we never woulda discovered what ye looked like. Convenient ya happened to be roaming around the Mountain o' Flavors. 'Tis why our ships were there in the first place."

"And just vhat is it you malveillant thugs vant, ahh?"

"We have a fancy for delicious cakes as well, and we are creating one that surpasses all others. But our quest be candyless, without one of true culinary know-how. 'Tis where you come in. As soon as the necessary ingredients are in our possession, YOU will be tasked with constructing the marvelous delicacy. Otherwise, yer son may be set out to defrost." He smirked threateningly at the refrigerated Arthur.

"You vill not treat a high-class chef this vay!"

"Noooo, of course not." John bowed. "Ye actually deserve MUCH worse treatment! But for the occasion, just yer son. So SIT down and be a good hostage, Snail Boy! Oh... and we've recruited yer men, too. Stewie's organizing them out front."

Like he said, Stewie Griffin had the Ice Cream Men in perfect rows on the deck. "Men, you are now official crewmen of the Big Mom Pirates. From this day forth, you will be surrounded by seamen. Sperm whales and seamen. ...Ooh, a swallow!" Said bird flew overhead.

"Stewie, quit bein' queer and tell 'em to whip me up a chocolate sundae." Rallo demanded.

"Yeah yeah, you settle down. Alright, so we're basically hunting these rare types of candies, why?, because these people have nothing better to do. Probably plenty of gold mountains we can acquire with our strength, but we'll settle for candy. So keep an eye out for any ships with raccoon heads, and yes, get Rallo a chocolate sundae. Ooo, and get me a vanilla-strawberry!" He said with a more positive smile. "Oh, but NO sprinkles!!" Back to anger. "For any sprinkle I find... I shall kill you."

Sunny Day (Play "Ending 17" from One Piece.)

About 2:00 in the afternoon. The seas felt very gloomy today. Little wind and waves, and the sun blocked by gray clouds. A little bit of light could be seen, but they felt no warmth. Everyone was lied down on the deck. It was hard to want to be active and excited when it was this cloudy. They wondered if it would rain anytime soon. It would be their first storm they'd have to tackle on the sea. All they could do now was lie flat and face directly up. Their raccoon Jolly Roger blowing in the light breeze. The gray clouds slowly drifting away. They awaited the very first raindrop to put a chill on their face. Kick in their nervous system and force them to move.

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