Cursed Caramels

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Okay, in this chapter, guess what Sugary Wonder we'll be hunting. ;D

Chapter 8: Cursed Caramels

Sunny Day

The Raccoon Pirates sailed away from the savannah as Henrietta and the 7-year-olds boarded her helicopter, which was parked on the top of the deck. "I must go now. It vas fun traveling vith you kids, but zese kids can't wait forever."

"Neither can we, FOR THEM." Haylee stated angrily.

"Hm hm hm!" Heinie beamed. "I vill confirm vith Marine on your progress, Sheila. She vould be proud."

"Aw, shucks, she dun' need to know how I'm doin'!" she brushed off. "Me mum knows me!"

"I'm sure she does. Auf wiedersehen, Raccoon Pirates! Farewell!" She started the copter and flew across the horizon as the kids waved.

"And thus, another adventure is finished." Mason concluded.

"We still have to come back there." Haylee reminded.

"Owuuuuhh." Carol plopped on a pool-chair and slipped her heels off. "My feet hurrrrt after all this walking. I sure wish a sweet boy with gentle hands could give them a rub." Dillon rolled his eyes and walked over. "Not you!" She kicked his face. "I meant Mason! He owes me."

"Siiiigh." Mason sighed and went to do so.

"Since it's nighttime, we should probably get to sleep." Aurora said. "Enjoy a crisp cool day of sailing tomorrow. Right?"

"The whether feels warm, and no clouds, so it should be sunny tomorrow." Haylee smiled hopefully.

"Ahhh, that'll warm up the wounds." Sheila sighed, walking to the cabin. "Let's hit the shutters, pals." Everyone joined her and went inside.

The next day, 12:25am

The sun was high in the heavens as seagulls chirped and soared by, only a few fluffy white clouds in the sky. "Ahhh, this is great!" Haylee smiled, leaning forward on the railing. "We've barely had any sunny days lately, and now the weather's lovely! I can't wait to get to the next island!"

"Heh-hwow, Haylee, you're excited today." Mason chuckled, rubbing sunscreen on Carol's back.

"I dunno what it is. Maybe when Sheila accidentally punched me with a Light Sphere."

"Hehehehe. My bad, eh?" Sheila grinned sheepishly.

"I mean, we've almost found all the Sugary Wonders; sorta, and once we defeat Big Mom, we can just enjoy the cruise!"

"But we still gotta go back to Kids Next Door, right?" Chris asked, once again fishing, while Kirie swam in the ocean.

"Well, even if we do, it wouldn't hurt to relax a little, right?" Aurora asked. "After missions, we can take little mini-vacations like this."

"Yeh, that'd be strewth!" Sheila grinned, lying on the keel. "Even if we're KND, we're still Raccoon Pirates!"

"Yeah... that does sound nice." Mason smiled, relieved Sheila seemed to put any 'treasonous' ideas behind her.

While they sailed freely, several miles above the sky, a 34-year-old woman wore a bright smile as she flew freely on a hang-glider. She wore several equipment over her green shirt and black armored pants, goggles on her eyes as her brown hair blew behind her. She really enjoyed the atmosphere, the fresh air, the cool breeze. The ocean lay miles beyond the horizon, as did the fluffy clouds she soared over. Flying was such a great feeling, the feeling of no weight on your shoulders, the feeling of absolute freedom.

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