The Emperor of Fear

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Ayyyye, welcome back. The story's half done (sorta), so let's hear a little backstory!

Chapter 7: The Emperor of Fear

Sunny Day

"WHOOOOOAAA!" Sheila's face was wide and bright. "Blind me sockets, mates! The legendary adventurer herself: Candy Hunter Henrietta!"

"Mrs. Fizzuras!" Haylee beamed. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Mm hm hm hm!" The woman giggled. "I did not know I vas so legendary. All I did vas fly around the world."

"Oh, MORE than that, Heinie! You were part of me mum's crew!!" Sheila exclaimed.

"YOU WERE??" they all screamed.

"Hm hm! Of course I vas! It helped to find rare and legendary candies with a band of scallywags."

"She was part of the Stickybeard Crew at one time." Haylee recalled.

"Unfortunately, they vere all frozen." Heinie said. "Ace got me pregnant with Augustus vhen I vas only 15; neither of us could resist, hehe. I couldn't go on adventures during those 9 months, and I desperately urged to get out there again. Ace felt guilty about impregnating me, so he promised to take care of the boy while I vent out to see the vorld. I decided to join Marine's little crew, and we sailed for a few years. When I finally had my fill, I decided to settle down and return home, then got my son into ze whole adventuring gig." She sighed sadly. "But I guess zat backfired in ze end. Joining the Big Mom Pirates..."

"But why did he join them?" Haylee questioned.

"I do not know. He vanted to fulfill his lust for rare candies, maybe. So many rivals sought them."

"Well, THAT just ain't the way to do it!" Sheila stated.

"But never mind about that." Aurora said. "What's THEIR problem?" She indicated the snoozing Sandy and Jessie, who were tied by Henrietta's licorice ropes.

"Hmmm... Those two vere Sammy and Jessica's kids. They vere First Grade kids during your parents' time."

"Yeah, we remember 'em." Hayl said.

"You see, the Sidney Family; which is vhat Sammy's is, vas always charged with protecting the Sugary Vonder, known as the Easter Bunny. Like all Sugary Wonders, the Easter Bunny had many forms, and vhenever it passed, they desperately tried to find the rabbit who took its form. The most recent form it took vas Mr. Fluffleupagus. He possessed a magical power that could heal all wounds. But his true taste as a Wonder vould be felt once he is dipped into the crater of Mt. Chocobo, and his vonderful magic would be imbued in the purest chocolate that vould take his DNA."

That's horrible!! Who would wanna eat a cute BUNNY? Kirie teared.

"Well... I vould." Heinie replied. "I acquired all this info and broke into Gallagher Elementary for that purpose. It seems Sammy informed his friend, Jessica on his family's purpose, and she knew enough to convince me she vas of the Sidney Family, and guided me through Chocolate Island herself. So Sammy could not be hurt. But zen I ended up falling into the chocolate volcano. But my body vas so adjusted to sweets, I survived, and became ein chocolate monster. Huhuhu." She shuddered. "Never so desperately did I vant meat."

"That still doesn't answer why these kids were trying to off us." Aurora mentioned.

"Zat, I do not know. I know they stowed onto the Big Moms' ship. But vhat they said to convince them of treachery..."

"Probably somethin' to do with, 'You help us, we'll let the bunny go.'" Haylee figured.

"Well, we'll interrogate 'em when they wake up." Chris said. "Speaking of never wanting meat so badly, I'm starvin'. I wish we could've caught that Giant Marlin when we had the-" At that moment, they heard the waves rushing, and looked as the Great Marlin was speeding to them.

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