And Then There Were Two

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Welcome back to our favorite adventure! Here, the crew's happy times... will come to a stop.

Chapter 10: And Then There Were Two

Candied Island

"Bluuuurrrve. What is the status on the remaining Sugary Wonders?" Big Mom asked her subordinate.

"Black John called and reported they found Stewie unconscious at his secret base." Augustus replied, a lollipop in his mouth. "Also, Sir Knightly reported succeeding in letting the Raccoon Pirates take the Rainbow Lolli in Cotton Clouds. He... was not sure on the objective, I think."

"Muuurrrrrrfff!" Big Mom's eyes reddened further, gripping her right armrest tight. "The aggravation those runts cause me is increasing! And their power... just how could they have clashed with Grim-Stare Mandy and survive?!"

"Well, because they had help from Henrietta Marzipan. My mom. Nickel Joe's men reported seeing her, but fell unconscious due to Mandy's attack, so they aren't sure on the details. But they've deemed it the most likely reason for her defeat."

"Hnnnn... Candy Hunter Henrietta was in the same crew as Gold-Fist Marine... so of course she would help Marine's daughter. But those other kids... CAN'T be the other members' children. Why would they... get mixed in with Gold-Fist?!"

"I don't know. But looking at the photographs, I recognize one of the members as Haylee Gilligan. My mom's friend's daughter who I used to take on adventures with me. I dunno if she's in Kids Next Door, but her parents were."

"Maaaaa?! Every day, they get more suspicious. I just know they have some connection with Kids Next Door! Some elaborate disguise to keep from breaking our deal."

"So, what? You gonna eat the girl?"

"Hnnnn... the time has come I deal with them once and for all. I will have my officers attack them at once... and THEY will determine once and for all, if these brats are KND-related. And if they are..." Her bloodshot eyes directed to Panini in her cell, her massive teeth drooling, "I'll have the spiciest pancake I've ever feasted..."

Sunny Day

Night fell once more as the crew sailed away from Dressrosa. They had to rest the Rainbow Lolli on the deck, and saw its vibrant rainbow became one with darker, dimmer colors. "'Guess that whole 'time of day' thing was true." Harry observed.

"Wanna test it and taste the test theory?" Haruka asked.

"Uhhh, huh?" asked Mason.

"Ugh. TASTE it and test the TASTE theory!"

"Heheh, I know. But we probably shouldn't. Have you ever noticed that each Wonder has some kind of curse? Maybe the Blurpleberry and Fourth Flavor weren't so bad, but, some of the Wonders required some kind of price or sacrifice."

"Yeah, like killing the bunny. Or drawing the blood for the Licorice." Aurora recalled. "And what about that Marshmallow? Just what happens after it hatches from its crystal?"

"Who knows." Haylee said. "Even my mom didn't know the whole story behind all of them. That's why the Wonders are wonders. However, there's one person I can think of that knows almost everything about them: the legendary chocolatier, Willy Wonka."

"Hold up, hold up." Artie spoke. "Before we try to find him, I just wanna know which Willy Wonka we'll be meeting: the original one, or the creepy Johnny Depp adaptation?"

"Why wouldn't you wanna meet Johnny Depp?" Aurora questioned.

"Because Willy Wonka looks like he wants ta lure those kids into his closet and do things!"

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