The World's Strongest Female

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Halright guys, welcome to the conclusion of this story! Play "The Encounter" from Kingdom Hearts II!

Chapter 16: The World's Strongest Female

Boss fight: Charlotte Linlin

A river of drool flowed from Big Mom's mouth and began to flood the whole floor. Sheila stepped back and noticed the chocolate stalactites on the ceiling, punching Light Spheres to bring them down so they would stick to the ground and serve as safe platforms. She struggled to keep balance as they wobbled, and frantically jumped when Big Mom coughed acid balls. Sheila spun her arms hurriedly and blasted Light Fists at her plump body, and Big Mom withstood the hits before jumping and shaking the acid with huge waves. Sheila jumped to the top of the hole in the wall and held on with her feet, channeling Light Energy in the center of both hands. She took aim at Linlin and released a mighty beam of light at the ground, letting the acid flow in and drain.

Sheila landed and channeled more chi in her palms, pelting quick Light Beams at Big Mom. The obese woman unleashed a Fear Scream that made Sheila sink. "Uuuugh! Blimey, you're a FEARbender??"

"Not just that! MAAAA!" She released Shadow Breath and fogged the room. "I've consumed many a bender in my day! Fearbenders are afraid of being judged because of their obesity, due to eating sweets. Shadowbenders hide so no one can see them getting fat with sweets! And you don't think I got this acid without eating a few poisonbenders, DO YOU? And I still got a little flame left! MAAAA!"

Sheila lit the area slightly with Light Fists, seeing Big Mom spit acid everywhere, and quickly jumped away when the woman blew flames and exploded the acid. Big Mom sent Fear Spheres from her trembling eyes, but Sheila avoided and stretched her fists as they turned to solid gold. Furiously spinning them, she yelled, "Midas FIST!" and launched two golden Light Fists at Big Mom's stomach, forcing her against the wall.

"Screw this! I'm going to that CAAAKE!" And with a mighty jump, Big Mom smashed through the floor and began charging down an underground corridor.

"'EY! Come back here, you COWARD!" Sheila jumped down and ran after her, dodging any falling debris that resulted from Charlotte's rampaging. Parts of the floor collapsed as well, forcing Sheila to jump platforms or Wall Jump. When the hall became wide and almost all of the floor was collapsed, Bouncemallows fell from above and allowed Sheila to bounce across quickly. When the road became straight again, Sheila kept after the giant and rapidly spun her arms, making them appear as wheels of light. Big Mom stopped at another circular chamber, turning to Sheila behind her.

"Maaaaa ma maaaaa! Can't stay in your little rut, huh? Don't you ever get tired of spinning those arms?"

"Actually, Oi stopped spinning them 3 seconds after." She smirked as she raised her arms from the spirals of light and lightly took them by the top, still keeping them spinning. She spun and tossed both Light Wheels around the room. Big Mom tried to watch them until they came at her feet and knocked her down. "MAAAA!" Not out yet, Big Mom channeled Poison Chi and unleashed a powerful fart that let her glide around the floor, shaking the room after bumping each wall, then shooting a random direction, making Sheila jump around to avoid her and the falling debris.

"Blimey, talk about a raging bull. But me feet ain't slumpin' yet! Matter of fact, they're lighter than ever!" Sheila channeled the chi down her legs, making them solid gold, including the sandals. With this, she was able to move at light-fast speed, nimbly avoiding Big Mom's charges before shooting to the air, waiting for the woman to get under her, then coming down with a light-fast stomp to her back. Big Mom hacked some acid out, and fixed her glare on Sheila again, seeing her right leg was gold as her left was just used for the kick. Big Mom stood up and stomped at her normally, and when Sheila started zipping at half her previous speed, Big Mom tossed green flames all over the place.

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