The First Explorer

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...Naruto: Shippuden's freakin' epic.

Chapter 6: The First Explorer

Sunny Day

The skies were still filled with clouds as the Sunny Day sailed with weak winds at their back. The sun was setting, but they couldn't embrace in its beauty with all the clouds blocking it. "I guess we aren't lighting the marshmallow anytime soon..." Aurora figured.

"It's probably not a good idea to do it early, anyway." Haylee said. "They're always the freshest from the oven."

Mason looked at Sheila, who was happily relaxed on the keel as usual. He approached her with a worried look. "Sheila... why aren't we letting the other Kids Next Door eat the cake, too?"

"I just told you, Mate: we're pirates. We ain't no affiliations with anyone. And we certainly ain't lettin' them lazy blokes 'ave it after we busted our necks."

"But we're... basically going back to Kids Next Door after this. It's just for the..."

"You're living in the then and later, Mate. This is the now. And now... we're wanted swabbies who grew tired of playin' by everyone's rules... and chose to live life on the sea."

That was the cover they were using... but to Sheila, it was true. Mason knew that. This is what she always wanted, and it seemed like she didn't want to go back to KND. And if she doesn't... Mason didn't know if he would follow.

"I guess we don't have any news on the Sugary Wonders." Haruka assumed.

"Well, I remember my mom talking about one of them." Haylee said. "Mount Chocobo, where Henrietta took that bunny to be dipped in the chocolate. Back when she was still Heinrich, of course."

"Oh yeah!" Artie perked. "Wasn't that jungle connected to Gallagher's playground? We'll just sail home and find it easy!"

"Better eat a snack, first." Harry remarked.

"That's not exactly how it worked." Haylee informed. "Mt. Chocobo actually exists on an island that's constantly moving. It collided with Virginia's shore and its jungle spread to the playground. But when it's ready to move again, the volcano's altar crumbles to destroy anyone remaining. But it gets reformed from the cooling chocolate."

"Kinda like a normal volcano, but much faster since it's chocolate." Artie commented.

"But is the Sugary Wonder the volcano itself?" Aurora asked.

"That... would be way too much chocolate. I'm not sure what the Wonder is." Haylee said.

"It's the bunny, of course."

"Huh?" They raised a brow at Harry.

"Well, yeah. I mean, magical bunny that can repair things and heal people in the blink of an eye? Why else was Heinie after it."

"That... actually makes sense!" Aurora beamed.

"But we STILL have no idea where the island is." Haruka reminded. "It could be on the coast of Europe, and by the time we get there, it'll be at Australia, and then Sugar Deserts!"

"I guess the only way to find it would be to just sail aimlessly."

"Yeah, but that just works both ways. We'll draw farther from it as a result." Haylee replied.

"Doesn't it leave any indications?" Mason asked.

"Well, the sea around it is always swallowed by chocolate from the volcano. But the range is still fairly short compared to the whole ocean. It'll take us forever to find it."

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