Her Special Skill

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Hello, everybody, and welcome to a small post-Candied Adventure one-shot. Just like the pre- one, it stars Carol, whose fighting style was proven to be failure. So let's see.

Cleveland Park

A peaceful morning over Cleveland, Virginia. It was a time when not many were up and active, so the playground was fairly empty. For that reason, Dillon wanted to go for a quiet stroll, but as he passed the playground, he noticed somebody atop the swingset's bar. That puffy blonde hair and fancy green dress made him recognize Carol Masterson, Sector V's newest friend. Her arms stretched to her sides, carefully keeping balance across the thin bar. But seeing her on the edge of her high-heels, let Dillon know what was about to happen.

"Whoooa-whoooa-WHOOA-" She fell off the right, but she found herself afloat in midair inches from the ground. She saw that a familiar shadow caught her, originating from Dillon York.

"Heheh. Joining the Olympics, Carol?"

The shadow set her on her feet. "Awwww! I almost had it, too!"

"You probably could have, if you wore a more stable pair of shoes."

"Hey, these heels are classy, I can't imagine being in those smelly old sneakers."

"What are you doing, anyway?"

"Siiiigh." She sat on the swing. "I'm trying to find my special skill. I'm already in trouble with my mom for throwing a million of my dollars to drunk pirates. I'm entering Arctic Training tomorrow, but I'm afraid of looking like an idiot when I go. I have to have a good hand at something."

Dillon sat in the swing beside her. "Well, even if you do, Arctic Training's still the same for everyone. You're still tested on teamwork, piloting, fighting, even if you're recognized for a notable skill."

"But that's just it. I don't think I'll be good at most of that stuff. That's why I wanna train now. So if I fail at everything else, I'll still have something I'm good at. And I never took the time to try before 'cause, well, I've always had servants doing things for me. That's why... I'm gonna feel like I'm stupid."

"Hmmmm... Well then, I'll help you!"

"Hmm?" She looked up.

Dillon hopped off the swing, "Come on! We'll try a bunch of things and see if you can do them! Like... whaddo you wanna try?"

"Hmmmm..." She looked away in thought. "To be honest... it would be cool if I was some kind of bender!"

"Alright then! Let's go see if you have an element!" He grabbed Carol's hand as they excitedly ran off.

Uno Household

The two visited the Uno house, where Dillon filled a glass up with water. He set it on the table and said, "Try it."

Carol focused closely and held her hand above the glass. She waved it up and down, opening and closing, but the water wouldn't budge. She loomed her face closer and squeezed her eyes to the center. Trying ever so harder to pick the water up... she couldn't. "SIGH." She rubbed her eyes.

As Rachel walked by, she said with a bright smile, "Maybe she's an icebender!"

Dillon beamed and ran to grab an ice cube from the fridge. "Try it!" He placed it on the table as Carol once again focused. She tried to pick up the ice with only a sense of will. Her hand moved up and down, open and closed, but the ice wouldn't move an inch.

"Hey, does this feel cold?" Carol blew lightly on Dillon's face, hoping for a sense of chill.

He waved his hand by his nose. "No, but someone's been eating crumpets."

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