Humming Ghost

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Y'all y'all y'all, welcome back, adventure is happenin', no time to slack. We huntin' a new Wonder today, ya see, wasn't on the show, so come with me.

Chapter 9: Humming Ghost

Sunny Day

"CHRIIIIIS!" Sheila screamed from the keel, her face more ecstatic than ever. "What's that NOOOOIIISE?"

The Uno was banging a Rock Candy crystal against a cannon. "Borrowed one of Haylee's Rock Candies, I wanna see what this thing's made of."

"Haylee's not gonna LIKE THAAAAAT!"

"Well, that concludes this morning's 4kids filler." Dillon said. "So where're we going?"

"Wherever the wind takes us, Mate!" Sheila responded. "It's feelin' really promising today! I feel chilly in me toes just thinking about it!"

After yesterday's events, Mason's never been more happy to hear her excited voice. Her joyous spirit made this sunny day complete.

"I can't think of any more Sugary Wonders." Haylee said. "I remember the ones my mom told me about, but any after that, I just can't."

Maybe we can ask a MERMAID! Kirie beamed, fishing on the port side. I just KNOW we'll catch one today! They like sunny days, you know.

"Kirie, for the last time," Chris said, fishing at the starboard, "no mermaid would be stupid enough to let a random pirate ship see them, let alone fall for something like a-" At that moment, a force began pulling his lure around. "Whoa! I got something!"

"Hope it's not another Great Marlin." Haylee said.

Chris stood firm on the railing and pulled hard on the pole. The lure moved around and around, then finally swam to the ship. The force shot from the water and tackled Chris. "Ohh!!" Everyone gaped in awe.

A beautiful mermaid with pink hair, pink eyes, pink tailfin, tannish skin, and a white tank-top, angrily pulled the hook from her hair. "Geez, watch where you're aiming that thing!" She stuck it in Chris's hair.

AIEEEEEEEEEEEE! Kirie signed louder than she ever gestured. I KNEW IT!! I KNEW we would find a mermaid!!

"Ack." Chris pulled the hook out, still pinned under the 10-year-old mermaid. "Well, it's not like I can see beneath the ocean! What're you doing getting caught in it?"

"I'm on a mission for the Ocean Kids Next Door to recruit fish to carry our cargo. I mean, you humans use hamsters and the Minish use those little colorful things. (Not the ones the GKND use.) And we mermen have aquatic telepathy that lets us speak to fish, so it's easy."

"Well, can you use that telepathy to summon some fish to our oven, 'cause Chris isn't doing a good job." Haylee said.

Chris shot her a glare. "Caught this brat, didn't I? Speaking of which, can you get off of me?"

"Awww, but don't male humans fantasize this type of occurrence?" She brushed her pink hair in a pretty fashion.

"You look like my ugly cousin, THAT'S why!!"

With a grumpy look, she smacked him with her tail and hopped off. She sat on the deck. "Anyway, I've seen you guys somewhere. You fought in the Viridi War."

"Yeah, we were Sector V." Aurora said.

"But NOW we're Raccoon Pirates." Sheila confirmed.

"Oh yeah, that old pirate crew?" she asked. "I heard about them. Are you Gold-Fist Marine?"

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