Three Rounds of Smarts

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Yeh yeh yeh, time to pley. Y'all-y'all.

Chapter 14: Three Rounds of Smarts

Outside Big Mom's Throne

Jessie whipped up another bubble barrier, but Pekoms managed to break through using his rapid spinning turtle shell, mixed with his own claws. "You aren't bouncing me back, Laddie! I ate the Turtle-Turtle Fruit, and I'll spin you straight, grrrr."

"You look like one of my sister's dumb stuffed animals. One she threw in the trash a long time ago." He smirked.

"Oh yeah? YOU CALL THIS TRAAASH?!" He whipped off his sunglasses, unveiling his tiny adorable eyes. He curled in his shell and rolled at Jessie like a wheel, and the boy dodged as he spiraled his bubble wand and rolled a Bubble Bowl, which Pekoms sliced with his claws. Jessie hurriedly unleashed Bubble Torpedoes, in which Pekoms blocked all explosions in his shell. The mini bubbles that emitted as a result fogged around him, and when he emerged, Jessie blew a Bubble Dynamite that sent Pekoms bouncing down the stairs. "EYAAAAHH!" Halfway down, he regained his footing. "Grrrr, those bubbles won't last forever, growlllll!" He ran at Jessie on all fours.

Meanwhile, Sandy was swinging a series of candle branches on the side of the mountain, lashing her ropes at each one with the greatest skill. Just as well, Tamago leaped across each branch with his long legs like a frog. "Tenez! Your skill with ze rope is impressive, Fille, but I am a Longleg who ate ze Frog-Frog Fruit! None can jump like I do, and no prey eludes my tongue!" He lashed his frog tongue at the red-haired, but Sandy nimbly dodged by swinging branches via her ropes.

She swung around one branch before landing nicely on her feet, smirking at Tamago. "I have more of a fondness in squirrels. To put it simply, they kick way more butt!" Sandy lashed her rope to pull another candle out and throw it at Tamago, but the man leaped to a higher branch on his frog legs and pulled candles out with his tongue, throwing down at Sandy. She swung branches to run away, but they came to an end, forcing her to whip out a jump-rope and spin it furiously to make her hover for a few seconds, then swung back along the candles when Tamago's throwing subsided.

She swung her way up to him and lashed a rope, wrapping his cane which he held in defense. Tamago tugged and pulled Sandy up to him, then leaped down with his long leg aimed. But thinking quick, Sandy threw her other rope down, and caught a branch to pull herself down. Her first rope was still around his cane, which he held above him, so Sandy tugged that rope to pull him downward, then she thrusted her foot up to kick his face, then let him fall (while she unraveled her first rope). Tamago grabbed a branch with his cane and pulled himself to stand on it. "Oh cher! But I am afraid I am just getting started!" He started to leap his way across the candles as Sandy gave chase.


Lala, Kirie, and Rick Strowd quickly rushed down the hall, following the heavenly scent. "The cake should be done baking by now." Lala said. "Once they decorate it, it'll be ready to eat."

"I say, Dear Girl, why go through all this trouble for a measly cake??" questioned Rick. "Surely purchasing from the bakery would have no drastic effects. But considering the conservative nature of you women, I can understand."

The two girls shot glares. Why did we have to SAVE him? signed Kirie.

The three made it to the bakery just in time to see Sir Knightly kicked against the wall beside them. "You have to do better than THAAAAAT!"

"I'm way ahead of you." Chris panted. "Today's lesson, kids: what happens when you pour hotsauce," he pulled a bottle of sauce out, "on Groudon-flavored burritos cooked using magnifying glasses aimed at Galaxia's Sun?" He pulled out said spicy burritos, poured the hotsauce on, and ate. His face froze, skin turning red, as steam erupted from his ears.

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