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Hello, everyone! Here's a one-shot I've been thinking of, and it introduces a new character! Let's meet 'er.


Uno Household



Cheren's hand plopped onto the alarm clock as he rolled over. This was on accident, though, as he was still fast asleep. It was only when 10 more minutes passed that the morning sun peered through his window, forcing his tired eyes to open. Still not wanting to wake up, he squinted his eyes at his clock, almost certain it would've gone off by now. ...It read 7:10.

"AAAAAH! OH GOD, WHAT HAPPENED, I'M LATE, I'M LATE!" He zipped downstairs.

In seconds, he was in his clothes with his backpack packed, zooming out the door. "Wait!" His father, Nigel called. "Your mom made you-"

"There's no TIME for that, I'm late I'm late!"

Five minutes later, the bus arrived, but Cheren was far ahead of it. He only needed a few more blocks 'til he was at the school and victory would be assured. "NOT so fast, boy!" Already beside him, the very reason he rushed out so quickly: to beat Panini Drilovsky.


"Ay'm not just Rabbit Ears, AY'M Rabbit Legs! And YER eatin' my dust!"

Their speed was unreal, and definitely equally matched. It looked like anyone's game as they were seconds from Gallagher's front doors. But with a little more pulse, Panini ran a few inches ahead of Cheren, and busted down the door while Cheren slipped in defeat. Many children and teachers jumped in surprise. "YYYYES! STOMPED ya again, Boy!"

"FIRST ONE TO CLASS!" The duo began another dash, in which they took separate routes around the halls. Cheren was nearly to victory, but-

"SNAGGED IT!" Panini threw the door open first and let Cheren slam into it. The boy fell on his back, then felt someone standing over him.

"Uhhh... hi, Mom." His mother, who was the school principal, looked disapprovingly.

"Cheren, how many times do we have to go over this. The 200 Wing is the better shortcut, not the 300."

"Uuugh. I knew it was one or the other."

He walked in in a slumped fashion and took his seat beside a smirking Panini. "At least I listen to my mummy."

"First one to beat today's quiz!"

"Ah'll do that and MORE!" They grabbed their papers and began to scribble frantically.

From outside, Aurora, Francis, Harry, and Artie watched them. "They're at it again." Aurora said.

"There some kinda rivalry-bug goin' around?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I mean, everybody's doing it. Just look at those two." Artie pointed.

"Er! Outta my way, Shortstuff!" The group turned to find First Grade President, Jessie Sidney, trying to force his way into a classroom. He was locked in a shoving contest with a girl in a dark-purple two-piece swimsuit, purple towel-cape, bare feet, and purple crown with a shell crest. They knew her as Princess Shelly Johnson, local beach bully and Fourth Grade President (or rather, Queen).

"Suck a sand dune, you big-footed freak!" Jessie had both hands shoving her face while Shelly's foot was pressed against his. "I'm taking the window seat!"

"You can have the other one, BEHIND ME." With a forceful kick, Jessie was down and Shelly had claimed the seat. "Nnn hnn hnn hnn hnnn!" Shelly's infamous snicker that drove Jessie crazy whenever she did it. "The queen takes the front!"

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