Set Sail Toward Adventure!

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...I'm not gonna put anything today. Just 'cause.

Chapter 2: Set Sail Toward Adventure!

KND Moonbase

Chris lightly glided his hand up and down with a flame alit as he warmed Sheila's body. "Well, you wanted excitement." He said.

"Ah know what I asked for, Mate. Oi, but tha' was ripper, though! A big dead rock, then why's all the water on it??"

"I'm a little surprised at that myself." Artie replied.

"Whatever, so we discovered water. It's nothing to celebrate about." Harry said.

"It IS, Mate! It means there's so much more than what you perceive of something! Who knows what ELSE is on the moon! There's probably a whole secret village we don't know about!"

"The Moonbase's existed for nearly a thousand years, they would've seen something by now." Chris said as Cheren walked by. "Hey, Bro! You guys seen any secret villages on the moon?"

"Um... no?" Cheren answered confusedly.

"You ruin all the fun, Mate." Sheila frowned grumpily.

"What are you guys... doing?"

"Oh, Sheila wanted to do a little exploring on the moon." Aurora replied. "It was all right. We found a crater of water."

"Oh, that." Cheren knew. "That stuff's been there forever. It's not that big a deal."

"See, exactly what I-" Sheila held a hand to Harry's face before walking away grumpily. "...Was it something I said?"

"She's kinda going through something right now." Aurora informed Cheren.

"Uhhh...huh. Anyway, Panini brought me your mission report. Just letting you know, we've put Doflamingo Sr. on the suspects list."

"I would, too. He's a Corporate President, isn't he?" Aurora asked.

"Just like Mom." Dillon spoke with hate.

"Right. I get the feeling they're going to be problems later." Cheren noted.

"Wait, Dillon, YOUR mom is a Corporate President?" Chris asked.

"No, I meant Mom the-"

"SHAAH, we know who you're talking about!" Chris playfully punched his arm.


It's okay, Dillon. I hate 'em, too! Kirie beamed.

"Hey, is Francis here?" Aurora asked.

"No, he and Panini had to go home; relatives visiting." Cheren said.


"Actually, just remembered I wanted to ask him for progress regarding that teen." He saw Larry MayHence walking over and said, "Hey Larry, can you call Francis and ask him-"

"I just received a call from him." he replied. "He wants you all to come to his house. Panini's in danger."

The friends exchanged worried glances.

Drilovsky Household

Cheren and Sector V flew down on their respective ships and hurriedly entered the Drilovsky home. "Francis, what's-" Almost upon entry, Cheren bumped into a frozen brown ice cube, creating a chain reaction of everyone else bumping each other. "AAAH!!" They shrieked at the sight of Fanny Drilovsky frozen solid, and behind her Margaret Strowd. The group then observed the ruined state of his house.

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