Cold of the Underworld

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And thus, we will conclude the Big Mom battles. Once the officers are defeated, we can finally focus on her. Let's get it done.

Chapter 15: Cold of the Underworld

Big Mom's stomach

"Nnn! Nnn! HEEEEY! LET ME OOOOOUT!" Sheila furiously banged on the inside of Big Mom's stomach, though it was pretty obvious Big Mom had no intention of listening. Sheila started punching the stomach with lightning-fast fists, making the stomach wobble as a result, but Sheila was losing more strength than Big Mom. She finally stopped and tried to catch her breath. She looked at her knuckles as faint Light Chi began to flow away, into Big Mom's flesh. She looked over and spotted Panini sat against the wall, almost completely drained of her strength. As her pale, frail body showed, Big Mom nearly sucked her dry of her Fire Chi.

Sheila decided to think about what her mom would do. She tried to think of any words of wisdom she might've divulged.

"Sheila, ya may be strong with yer fists, but don't forget, yer a bloomin' lightbender. Use that element for other things besides yer knuckles. I bet ya produce WAY more light than ya know. Just think about what gives it to ya, and you'll find out."

Recalling these words, Sheila held her hands in a ball-like fashion, channeling her chi in the center and forming a Light Sphere. She let it disband as some of the chi flowed into Big Mom. She thought carefully, knowing her light-filled body would be drained if she used it recklessly. She sat on the digestive puddle of the stomach, crossed her legs, and closed her eyes. What gives her her light power... she would think about this carefully.

Augustus's dungeon

Haruka furiously threw poison clouds around the room and fogged it, keeping the enemies at bay so she could destroy the Candy Virus in her system. She couldn't get far before Augustus flew over and kicked her away. She flew into a clear spot where more Licorice Snakes and Kill-Kats crept over, so Haruka channeled enough gas to burp Gas Bombs at them. She was caught unprepared when Augustus wrapped his arm around her neck from behind. "Come oooon. Don't resist the sugary goodness, Cous. Embrace it. Realize the rotting teeth."

Haruka bit his hand, forcing him to release as she lashed a Poison Whip across his chest, ripping his vest. She jumped back when Augustus threw kicks and blasted a beam of gas at his face, but he still held his breath and dodged around to kick her away. She recovered as Hamhurters jumped out of her gas cloud from behind and started pinning her to the ground, jumping on her back. "Come on, even the Hamhurters want you to embrace! It's in your blood, Haruka, your family heritage, accept it!"

"Yeah, my blood's a little screwy right now, anyway, so at times like these, a healthy dose of medicine is always important." She emitted more gas to push the Demon Sweets away and released another fog to escape into. She quickly pulled out a vial of purple potion and drank. She watched as the sugary parts of her skin slowly changed back. "Phew. It's nice to have a backup in case I can't heal in time." She felt Augustus coming and ducked his kick, grabbing a bundle of the gas floating around and throwing it at him. He protected himself with Armament Haki and jumped at Haruka with a double-punch, missing as he punched the ground, and continuing to chase her around the fog.


"YEE-HOOOOOOOHHH!" Sir Knightly ran around like a crazy madman, trying to avoid Sir Chickie's giant sword. At the same time, Anti Guys jumped and kicked different areas of the giant knight, causing the chickies to fly off with their strength. Chris tried to step back and evade, but the Anti Guys soon outnumbered him and toppled his whole knight down. He landed on his rear as the Anti Guys surrounded and readied to attack him all together.

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