The Fiery dream

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(I hope you guys are enjoying this book...)

Many more years starts to pass by and more mysterious deaths starts to happen at the Wagner's house, they don't know who's doing it but you know that it's Lucius, but you kept your promise and did not tell anyone... You and Lucius are now 16 years old and you guys are very close now. you still have to stay at the Wagner's here and there because your family is still going on their  "business vacations"....

Lucius has been trying to convince you to kill your parents, he told you that they didn't really care about you and that they weren't really going on "Business trips" they were just trying to keep away from you as much as possible because they hated you. You did not  believe him and thought that he was just trying to make you do it because he was gonna blame all the other killings on you.....

YOU: Like WOW Lucius I thought you were my friend!! 

You walked out of his room and slammed the door behind you. You knew that he was gonna try to find you so you went down to were the staffs bedrooms were, it was kind empty because everyone was dying. you walked into Jovita's room, you guys had become really close since you met.

JOVITA: Oh hi  Y/N, what are you doing down here? 

YOU: Staying away from Lucius *You sit at her desk.*

JOVITA: Hmm let me guess you guys got into an argument? Well it's fine, you guys will be back to being friends in no time!

YOU: Well um..... I don't know about tha- hey, aren't these Miss Wagner's ear rings? *You point at the ear rings on her desk.*

JOVITA: Oh- um, yah they are she's letting me keep them.

YOU: ...


YOU: Well um ok, thanks for talking with me....

You left Jovita's room and went back to your room and went to sleep you decided not to eat dinner because you didn't want to see Lucius.............

(Issa dream..)

You woke up, and the first thing that you noticed....

The whole room was on fire..


LUCIFER: *Pops out of no where* Hello!

You scream and start to throw every item that's in your reach at him.

LUCIFER: Ow! OW! STOP THROWING STUFF AT ME!!!!!! *His eyes turn red in anger and he's rubbing his head where a knot is starting to appear*

YOU: W-who are?!

LUCIFER: I'm Lucifer!

YOU: ....

LUCIFERYou're friends with my son.

YOU: W-what do you want?

He explained to you that you should listen to Lucius and that he's not trying to get you in trouble and that your family really does hate you.

YOU: I'm not killing my parents! They do love me they're only on business trips to work and provide money to take care of me!

LUCIFER: Oh really... So that's what you think huh?

(This part is gonna stupid.... Because I kinda got it from Harry Potter but just go along with it >-<)

A big round black pot appeared out of no where, it had this swirly red stuff in it....You looked down into it and you saw your parents, they were not on a business trip but they were on a cruise ship. "You think it was right for us to let her stay at the Wagner's house? You know, with all the murdering going on?" Your mother asked your father. "Who cares, maybe she'll be murdered next and then we won't have to worry about taking care of that bastard!" They both laughed and then the whole thing vanished....

You felt so sad, your parents never cared about you. And they were never on a business trip, they just didn't want to be around you, and now that they are aware of the killings happening they just want you to get killed next so they won't have to care for you... 

YOU: *A tear rolls down your eye* They don't love me.......

LUCIFER: Exactly! That's why you must kill them and send them to hell where they belong, so will you do it?

YOU: *You shake his hand* I'll do it.

LUCIFER: Excellent!

Everything vanishes.....

(I hope you guys like it!)

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