Another One Bites The Dust

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(I like that picture above... It's cute to me....)

You could not believe it....

You had finally killed your parents, they deserved it for how they treated you.. Now all you had to do was pretend... You let out a loud scream and the older maid and the butler came in to see what was wrong and saw both of your parents dead.

SMITH(The Butler): W-what on earth happened?!

YOU: I-I don't know they just clasped on the table and I tried to wake them up but they're dead! *Fake cries*

JUDY(The older maid): I'll call the police! *Run out of the room*

The detective soon arrives, he looked like he was getting tired coming to the house, he was shocked and devastated when he saw your dead parents.

DETECTIVE JOHNNY: How could this have happened?

SMITH: I'm not sure sir! They were doing just fine when I gave them their tea, and then when I came back they were both dead.


SMITH: The tea sir, *Points at their tea cup* They had asked for it so I made it for them and gave it to them.

DETECTIVE JOHNNY: Well, what did you put in this tea?

SMITH: Just two spoons of sugar like they asked.


SMITH: Of course.

Mr. Smith went to into the kitchen and came back with the can of sugar (AKA: Rat poisoning.) Detective Johnny dipped his two fingers in it and studied it for a moment, then he sniffed it. His eyes widened in shock.

DETECTIVE JOHNNY: T-this isn't sugar... This is rat poisoning!

SMITH: W-what? How is that possible? It is sugar!

DETECTIVE JOHNNY: Did you purposely do all of this?!

SMITH: WHAT?! Of course not I have been working for them for twelve y-

DETECTIVE JOHNNY: *To Judy* Do you think that Mr. Smith would have any reason to do this?

JUDY: Yes I can see him doing it.

SMITH: WHAT! No I will never do that!

DETECTIVE JOHNNY: Where's the rest of the poison?

SMITH: I-I don't know.

DETECTIVE JOHNNY: *To the cops* search this house now!

Everyone waited in the dining room as the cops searched the entire house for the rat poisoning, the paramedics came in and took your parents body away.

So long! You thought as you watch them go out the door.

The police soon comes back and one of them is carrying the can of rat poison and the screw driver.

DETECTIVE JOHNNY: And where was all of this?

COP: In the butler's room sir.

Judy gasped in shock. And you pretended to be surprised, even though you're the one who put it there.

DETECTIVE JOHNNY: *He is wide eyed and shocked* Oh my god- I don't believe this.....

SMITH: This cannot be! I didn't do any of this!

The cops placed the handcuffs on him and took him away. Detective Johnny stays behind to explain how the butler had killed everyone, you sat there and acted as if you were surprised and sad. There was a long silence until Judy spoke.

JUDY: I should've known he was the cause of this, all he wanted was to get all the money.

DETECTIVE JOHNNY: Yes, I guess he did. I am so sorry for all of this, and if there's anything that I can do to help- *pulls out business card and gives to Judy* you can give me a call.

He patted you on the shoulder and left.

Judy took one look at the card and ripped it up laughing.

JUDY: At last! Those bastards are dead!

She then went into the kitchen and grabbed a can of beer, you were happy that you had finally killed your parents. And now all you had to do was kill Judy, she deserved to die. She had always been mean to you, and secretly hated your parents and everyone in the house, she knew that the butler would never do anything like that. She was only lying because then she would have the whole house to herself, and the money.

But you were still happy about everything else, you walked into the living room where Judy was sitting on the couch watching the TV, your smiled vanished when you saw what was on....

It was the news channel and it was showing a house burning while the fire fighters tried to put it out. But this wasn't just any house....

It was the Wagner's house....

You sat there and watched it while covering your mouth. You thought about Lucius, what if he was in the fire?

What if he died?

Your eyes started to tear up at the thought of him dying. Judy saw you crying and started laughing.

JUDY: *Laughs* Another one bites the dust!

She then got up and left the living room still singing, leaving you standing there crying.....

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