The Final Battle

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(Hello guys I am very sorry for my absence please forgive me ;( kinda been going through a hard time, I know the only thing that's gonna make me feel better is writing because it's my favorite thing to do.. Enjoy this cute picture I found)

You sat there frozen, staring at Issac with your mouth wide open; as you held your pregnant belly that was now leaking blood

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You sat there frozen, staring at Issac with your mouth wide open; as you held your pregnant belly that was now leaking blood. He watched as you slowly slid to the ground and cried softly for help...

YOU: Please.... Someone help me... *Sobs*

ISSAC: *Chuckles* Sure, i'll help you.

He then held his hands up and fire began to appear. He threw the flame balls at the shelves behind you that were filled with flammable products and the basement caught on fire. You looked around helplessly as the flames grew bigger and bigger, surrounding you. Issac sat there with that evil smirk on his face watching you, he then pulled out a shotgun and aimed it at your helpless body.

ISSAC: Have fun in hell. *Loads gun*

You closed your eyes as the tears slowly streamed down your face. You knew this was it, and there was nothing you could do about it. Issac had his finger on the trigger and was about to shoot but then there was a big boom and he flew back hitting the brick wall behind him. He laid there and groaned in pain. He lifted his head up to see what had happen and then he saw Lucius standing there,a dark aura surrounding him as his eyes gleamed pitch black. Issac, still in pain snarled at him.

Lucius pulled out a glock and aimed it at Issac's body, He looked at Lucius for a moment and chuckled.

ISSAC: We meet again brother.

LUCIUS: ...... *Still pointing the glock at him*

ISSAC: *Lets out a bitter laugh* You can't kill me with a gun you idiot.

Lucius loads the gun and shoots Issac in the arm, he stops laughing and screams in pain causing the ground to shake and the ceiling to fall. He struggles to get up still holding his arm that is now leaking with blood.


He holds his hands out and shoots another flame ball at Lucius, missing him and it hits the wall behind him causing more of the ceiling to fall. He gets up slowly and tries to walk towards Lucius, still shooting flames out while he went, but Lucius dodged them all effortlessly. 

ISSAC: *Says through gritted teeth* I'm... Not going down... Without a fight!

Lucius then shot him again, this time in his leg. He let out a scream in pain and fell back down to the ground. Blood was now pouring out of his leg as he sat there whimpering in pain, unable to move or get up, no matter how much he struggled. Lucius slowly walked over to him standing over his body as he sat there still trying to get up. Issac looked up at Lucius , his eyes no longer dark red but a normal light green color.

ISSAC: P-please don't kill me..I-I'm sorry.....

Lucius sat there still staring at him not saying a word, he then reloaded his glock and aimed it at Issac.


He shot him in his chest and then in his throat, He sat there shaking and trembling while holding his chest that was leaking blood. He coughed and blood spilled out his mouth, he turned his head to look at Lucius, still standing there with the gun aiming at him. And in a very quiet voice he said...

ISSAC: Brother.....

He then took his last breath and stayed still his eyes looking far off into the distance. And yes, this time he was really dead.

Lucius slowly put the glock down still staring down at his dead half brother.

(Ok so this was fun to write... Hmm I wonder did you die or are you still alive... I didn't mention that so you will have to see in the next chapter, that I am uploading right now. ;) Thank you for reading. And once again I am so sorry for going away...)

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