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(Yeah um, don't mind the title, I hope you guys liked the last chapter I might keep it I might not but I know you're gonna love this one. Anyways enjoy, and thank you so much for reading this it means so much to me ^-^)

You are still in your third trimester and you are you ready to have the baby.. (Your stomach now looks like this...)

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It's getting really hard for you to move around so you are usually laying down a lot... It was getting dark out and Mcguffin was still at work, you had sent Lucius to go get you something at the store since you couldn't move.

You were sleeping peacefully in bed when out of now where.....


You sat up quickly looking around in alarm, you were not sure how long you had been asleep and it was pitch black so you couldn't see, you thought it was probably Lucius.

YOU: Lucius?

There was no reply, you carefully got out of bed and went into the living room, the door was wide open so you closed it...You then heard another loud noise, you looked around to see where it was coming from.. It was coming from the basement....

You carefully walked down the creaky stairs expecting to see Lucius there, but there was no one.

YOU: Lucius?

There was still no reply, you were starting to get worried and scared. You didn't know whether to go back to sleep or to call someone..

Maybe I'm just hearing things.... You thought. You made your way back towards to stairs but stopped when you noticed something. There was a broken glass jar laying on the floor, but you did not notice it until now. 

You sat there trembling not knowing what to do...

You then felt as if someone was watching you, you turned around and your eyes meet a pair of bright green eyes. You gasped when you realized who it was....


He was alive, but you could've sworn he was killed by Mcguffin..... How could he still be alive...?

(Sorry guys....)

Before you could say anything you felt a sharp pain run through you stomach.....

You looked down and saw that Issac had stabbed you in your stomach.. He leaned in close to your ear and whispered something..


(Ok guys I know you're probably mad and shock right now but I promise it'll get better! :D sorry I haven't updated I've been busy with school and I almost have all A's and B's so my hard work is paying off and we are almost done with this book, hmmmm.... I wonder what will happen next?! You will see really soon, thank you for reading and voting! :D )

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