It's A...........

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(Ok so like I said I would do: I uploaded another chapter. The end is near with this book....And this picture describes my life right now...)

You looked up through your  squinting eyes which were stinging because of the smoke and the fire

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You looked up through your  squinting eyes which were stinging because of the smoke and the fire. You could see Lucius still standing over Issac's dead body, he did not notice you laying there. You struggled again trying to get up but couldn't. You took a deep breath and with all your strength, you heaved yourself up still holding the area where Issac had stabbed you, which was still bleeding. Your legs trembling from the pain you stepped towards Lucius slowly. He slowly looked at you, his eyes going back to normal. He ran to you and hugged you softly, not realizing that you were injured.

He looked down and noticed that his hands were covered in blood from hugging you, he then widened when he saw that your were injured, Mcguffin ran downstairs to the basement where he saw you guys standing there. His eyes also widened when he saw you clutching your stomach that was leaking blood.

MCGUFFIN: Omygosh! Come on we have to get her to a hospital now!

Lucius picked you up and quickly got you out of the burning house and into the car. Mcguffin quickly got in and started the engine. There was a huge boom and the entire house clasped and fell still slowly burning to the ground as you guys pulled off......

(This is a bit of a long summary...)

As you guys drove to the hospital you were slowly drifting off to sleep and then waking up again, so everything happened in a blur and there was not much that you could remember. All you could remember is Mcguffin driving you to the hospital and him telling you stay awake as you drifted off to sleep and then awoke again. And then you remembered the paramedics picking you up out of the car and placing you on a hospital bed where they rolled it through the bright white hallways.

They then placed you in a hospital room and put a mask over your face and stuck a few needles and tubes in your arm to keep your breathing. They were going to have to do an emergency C section on you since you were injured.

You slowly opened your eyes to see a bunch of people with masks on and hairnets standing over you doing something to your stomach that you could not see or feel... And then a few minutes later you heard a baby crying. "Its a girl!" One of the nurses yelled. As they laid your newborn baby down beside you and cut the cord off. You turned your head to look at your baby as tears of joy streamed down your face.

"Wait, there's another one!" 

They then pulled out another crying baby, "It's a boy!" the nurse said also placing the baby down and cutting it's cord and cleaning him off, Then you drifted off to sleep.......

(Guys I'm sorry if the names are shitty)

Lucile: 6:00 AM

Lucius II(The second): 6:06 AM

You woke up in the hospital room, your stomach heavily bandaged. You looked to your right and you see Lucius sitting there beside your bed, he looks down and sees that your awake strokes your cheek softly, making you smile. The nurses then come in the room with your two babies (Lucile and Lucius II ) And gives them to you guys. You looked down at Lucius II caressing his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes and surprisingly they were bright red like Lucius, while Lucile's eyes were Y/E/C, she then fell asleep in you arms.

Lucius picked up Lucius II and held him in his arms, he looks up at his father then smiles.

Mcguffin sat there smiling at all of this his eyes tearing up a bit. Then out of no where a flame appeared in the room, scaring the hell out of you. Lucifer stepped out of the flame smiling widely at everyone he approached Lucius with a scroll in his hand.

LUCIFER: Ah, my boy! I am so proud of everything that you have done. And for that, here is your award for all your hard work.

He then gives Lucius the scroll, after he does that he blesses both of the babies and then disappears back into the flame.

Lucius stands there holding what he has been working so hard to get and now he has finally done it.

He has full filled the prophecy.....

It has been everything that he has wanted to do, he turns around and looks at you as you held both of your babies cooing at them.

He smiles.....

Mcguffin then turns on the TV and turns it to the news, the news reporter was talking about a house that had burned down, it was Mcguffin's houe. "No bodies were found inside but it's a mystery of how the whole thing started.." Mcguffin turned the TV off and looked at you two.

MCGUFFIN: Well, I guess we'll be moving back to Winter Hill.

(This  chapter is..... Mehhhhhhhhhh I might go back and edit I might not.... But yah that's that. I'm sorry if the ending is shitty like I am not good at ending a story but I tried)

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