Chapter One: 3 Months Later.

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I sat at my desk in the precinct, and something didn't feel right at all. My stomach hurt really bad and I felt extremely sick, more than usual. "Hey Sonny, can you get Liv for me?" I ask him as I stand up gripping the desk tightly. 

"Whoa, hey are you okay?" Amanda asks, "No- somethings not right," I say. I look at her, "I think my water broke," I whisper. 

"You're going into labor," Amanda says, "Call a bus!" she yells. "No-o I'm fine..." and then I don't remember what happened.

I woke up a little while later in the hospital, I look over and see Sonny beside me, he was holding my hand. "Hey, I'm awake now," I whisper.

"Oh my gosh, you scared us," Sonny says looking at me, his blue eyes sparkled with tears. "Is she okay?" I ask, "She's a beautiful baby," Sonny whispers. "I had her already?" I ask, " were in and out but they got her out of you, do you want me to get her?" I nod, and Sonny stands up and walks over to a small crib, get picks her up and carries her to me.

"We haven't named her, we wanted to leave that to you," He explains handing her to me, tears begin flowing down my face, "She's beautiful," I whisper, "Like you," I hear Rafael say. 

"You came," I say crying, "I told you I would Mi Amor, I can't stay long but I am here, for whatever you want to name her," 

"They took a blood sample, in about 5 hours we should know who the father is," Sonny says, I nod. 

I stare at her for a moment and she is so beautiful, she has bright blue eyes and long eyelashes, "Aurora..her name is Aurora..." I whisper. 

"It's beautiful, she looks like an Aurora," Sonny says smiling at me. "Rory for short," Rafael says sitting next to me on the bed, Sonny smiles, "I'll give you two a minute," Sonny says and leaves.

I look at Rafael, "How are you?" he asks, "I just gave birth," I say chuckling, but it hurt to laugh. "C-Section actually, but still birth," Rafael says, "Is that why I'm in so much damn pain?" I ask, Rafael nods. "You will be for a while Ali," I sigh, "I miss you Rafi," I mumble.

"I miss you too, I'm only a couple hours away Ali, you can come to see me any time," "That road works both ways Rafael," I say. 

The doctor comes in, "I see you have woken up, and met your beautiful little girl," he says, "Did you figure out her name?" "Aurora, Aurora Miller.." 

Sonny comes back in, "I have the DNA results if you'd like to read them," the doctor says and hands them to me. He leaves and Sonny sits on the other side of the bed and I slowly open the file.

I smile slightly and look down, "Ali, no matter who it is, neither one of us will be mad," Rafael says, rubbing my hand.

"It--the paternal match is Sonny..." I whisper as Sonny's eyes light up. Rafael nods, "Then I'll be Uncle Rafa," 

I smile at him, and then Sonny. "I'm really tired," I whisper. Sonny nods and Rafael takes Aurora, "Get some rest doll," Sonny says kissing my forehead.


I can't believe it, I'm the father, I have a baby. Rafael puts Aurora down and we exit the room to let Ali sleep. "Congrats," Rafael says shaking my hand.

"She misses you like crazy," I tell him, "I miss her too, but it's not right, she needs someone closer to her age,  someone who will be able to run around with Aurora when she's older, that's not me," He explains. 

"At least try and come see her more, do you realize how many days she spent locked in her apartment, Peter and I had to keep bringing her food," 

"Peter? the A.D.A who prosecuted me?" Rafael asks, "Yeah, he isn't so bad, he's not you of course, but he's good," I say. Rafael nods, "I'm gonna go get lunch, want anything?" He asks, "No I'm okay, I'm gonna wait for her to wake up," I explain, he nods and leaves.

I sit back in the room and just watch her sleep, she looks so peaceful. I hear Aurora cooing and walk over to her, she looks up at me and I smile, picking her up and holding her. 

"It fits you," I hear Olivia say, I look up at her and smile. "So you're the father huh?" she asks, "Rafael told you?" "Yeah, that I just kinda knew, she looks like you...what did she decide to name her?" "Aurora Miller-Carisi," I say, "Rory for short," 

"It's beautiful," Olivia says, "She's beautiful" I whisper.  "Peter was wondering if he could come in," Olivia asks, "Yeah he can," I say.

"Fin and Amanda are at the gift shop trying to find a gift for Ali," Liv says. I nod and sit down with Aurora, " Are you ready to be a dad?" Olivia asks me, "I don't really know, I mean I use to take care of my niece but this one is mine, it's my own flesh," Olivia nods.

"I think you'll be a wonderful father Sonny," Liv says and hugs me, "I gotta get back to the precinct, tell Ali I love her when she wakes up," I nod and she leaves.

I stare at Aurora, "No matter what happens, I will always love you," 

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