Chapter Nineteen: Hey, Old Friend, It's Been A While.

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(I know Derek and Aaron aren't on the show anymore but they still come and see Ali)


"Ali, wake up," I hear Spencer say, I groan. "I have got a surprise for you," he says pushing on my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes, "What time is it?" "8," he says. 

I sigh and sit up, "What is so important that you have me up at 8 am?" I ask harshly, "Come on," He says reaching a handout. I take it and he pulls me out of the bed, "Spencer" I whine, "Just go open the door," He says chuckling. 

I look at him confused but go and do it anyway, my eyes widen and my jaw drops.

"Hey stranger," Derek says smiling at me, "Derek!?" I squeal, jumping into his arms as he hugged me. "Hey baby girl," he says as he hugs me tightly.

"I thought I was the only one you called that!" I hear a familiar voice say, I look behind him, "Penelope?!" I say hugging her as well, "Emily, JJ, Aaron, and David are downstairs getting a hotel room," Derek says, we walk back into Spencer's room. 

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you and Aaron left the FBI?" I ask, "Just because we left doesn't mean we don't come when our friend needs us, Spencer called Penelope last night and told her what happened, she called Aaron and I, and we all decided to fly up and see you," Derek explains. 

"I need to go talk to Peter, but afterward we can all catch up, I also need to pick up Rory from Amanda's," I say, slipping my hoodie on. "We'll be here, just shoot us a text when you're coming back," Penelope says. I nod, hugging them again and walking out of the room. 


"She cut all her hair off," Penelope says as Ali shuts the door, "Yeah, it fits her," I say. "She looks good," I add, "Hey! Don't you have a kid and a girlfriend?" Spencer asks, "A kid, yes, a girlfriend, no, we broke up," I tell him, "Oh," Spencer says. 

"Are you still in love with her kid?" I ask him, "I mean, I like her but in love is a no. I kissed her last night and for a second she kissed back but I don't think she felt right about it," Spencer explains. After a few minutes, JJ, David, Aaron, and Emily come into Spencer's room, "I saw Ali leaving, she said she'd catch up with us later," Aaron says. 

"Yeah, she had to go pick up her daughter and talk to Peter about what happened," Spencer says, "Well in the meantime, why don't we all catch up?" David suggests, we all agree and head to the bar that was downstairs in the hotel. 

After a few hours of talking and laughing, I hear my phone buzz. "Is this still your number? -Ali" "Sure is, everything okay?-D," "No, can you meet me in my hotel room? I need a friend." "What room?" "234," "Be there in a minute," 

"I'll be right back," I tell Emily as I get up from the table, I go to the elevator and press 2. Once I get to the floor I walk down to Ali's room and knock, "It's unlocked," She calls. I go in and see her sitting on the bed, knees to her chest and eyes puffy and red.

"Ali? What happened?" I ask, "I went to talk to Peter, dumb mistake," she whispers. "Why? What..?" "He was drunk, with two women in his bed," 

(If you remember, or watched any of season 19, Peter started sleeping w/ a bunch of women and there is a scene with him and 2 girls, that's where this came from, not trying to make Peter seem like a complete ass)

"Ali, I'm so sorry," I say sitting next to her, "I like him a lot. I want to date him." Ali whispers, I hear a baby cooing and look over, "That's Rory," Ali whispers. "She's beautiful," I say and walk over to her, picking her up. "She's four months," Ali says, Rory smiles at me and I smile back. 

I set her back down in her playpen and rejoin Ali on her bed, "I was so stupid to think I could be a single mom, I was stupid to think Peter would actually want to be with me, or anyone for that matter," she says her voice breaking. 

"Hey, don't think like that, any guy would be lucky to have you, Alisha," I tell her, pushing her hair behind her ears. "Would you judge me if I said I just wanted to hook up with someone?" she asks, "No, of course not," I say. "Good," and next thing I knew her lips were on mine. 

I kiss her back but stop for a minute. "What? What's wrong?" Ali asks, "Ali, I don't want you to do something you'll regret," I tell her, "Please don't tell me to think, I don't want to think, I just...I want to feel something, anything, please," she begs. I nod and pull her close to me, kissing her again. 

We move to where my back is against the headboard and she is sitting on my lap, I wrap my arm around her back and flip us to where I was on top. "You like to be in charge," She whispers as I kiss down her neck. "Good observation," I say.

 "Good observation," I say

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Oooh complicationsssssss. 

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