Chapter 4

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And now I've got another chapter just for you awesome readers! A randomized update just for you!

       Gladion had already known. He knew exactly what was wrong with Silvally before he even got to Alola. Both of the pokémon professors that he'd visited had already pointed it out to him that Silvally missed Alola but Gladion knew something that they didn't. Silvally didn't just miss Alola, he missed (y/n).

        Gladion had figured this out quite easily especially after Silvally started to get him to read (y/n)'s letters outloud to him. This was not the only problem though. Silvally wasn't the only one who'd missed her.

        Gladion had too and it was for that reason that he came back to Alola. He'd told himself that he'd just do a checkup without her knowing, a simple visit to see if she was doing well without her even seeing him. He'd tried to do that but when he was about to leave again, he couldn't bring himself to do so.

       Instead he stayed in Alola a whole extra day without anyone knowing until today. He used Silvally's sulking mood, which Gladion had asked his pokémon to fake, as an excuse for being in Alola but of course he'd underestimated (y/n)'s ability to analyze pokémon.

        She solved Gladion's fake mystery too quickly and he needed another cover story to stay in Alola longer without seeming suspicious. The last thing he wanted to happen was for anyone to think he was staying in Alola to spend time with his family. It wasn't that he wouldn't do something like that but he still didn't want anyone making that assumption. He had to think of an excuse and quickly.

        "Um Gladion, are you okay?" (y/n) asked. She had been talking to him but he'd been so lost in thought that he didn't notice. They had already taken a boat to Mele Mele island and were walking to a beach from there that (y/n) had selected.

        "Gladion?" (y/n) said. What was he supposed to tell her? He couldn't exactly just say something as abnormal as I missed you!
        "Something's bothering you isn't it. Silvally wasn't the real reason you came back. Something else must be wrong," (y/n) said as she stopped. Rei, who was by her side, stopped as well so Gladion and Silvally stopped walking too.

        "How did you know?" Gladion asked. He mentally slapped himself for saying it but it was too late to change what he'd said.

        "I know you better than you give me credit for. If Silvally really had been sick and you really didn't know what was wrong with him, you wouldn't have left his side. Silvally also recovered from his supposed homesickness too quickly. He's already completely back to normal and we haven't even done the full therapy treatment yet," (y/n) explained. Gladion could have sworn that she wasn't a pokémon doctor before he left.

        "I get it if you don't want to tell me but next time, just let me know instead of letting me bother you like that. I'll be back at Aether if you need me. I'll let you get some alone time with Silvally so you can think," (y/n) said. She turned to leave and Gladion almost didn't stop her.

       "(Y/n)...don't leave," he said without looking at her. She stopped and looked back at him witn confusion.

        "Is it that bad? Do you need to talk?" she asked. She was definately worrued about him.

        "No...I just...I don't want you to leave," Gladion said. No, what was he doing. He can't just say something like that and not expect (y/n) to react.

        "Oh. Ok. Well then how about we go finish Silvally's therapy. We can sit on the shore so you can clear your head or whatever you need to do," (y/n) said.

       It wasn't the first time they'd done that either. Gladion had done the same right before they left and before that, he'd done the same when (y/n) had given him advise on his relationship with his mother, and even before then, Gladion had done the same thing even before then when he was still dealing with what had happened in Alola all those years ago. (Y/n) always helped him fix his problems but at the moment, she was the very source of his problem.

       "I don't want to do that right now," Gladion admitted. In all honesty, he didn't really know what he wanted to do but going to that beach and sitting there without a solution to his delima was not one of those things.

        "Ok then what do you suppose we do? It's Alola afterall. Surely there's something that you want to do here that you weren't able to do in Kanto," (y/n) said.

       "That's just it! I'm already doing something that I couldn't do in Kanto!" Gladion said without thinking. "Great job you idiot, you just blew it," Gladion thought to himself.

        "You are? Well then what else do you want to do in Alola. You must have come back here because you missed it right? You're homesick too, I can tell. You seem more frustrated than I'm used to seeing you be," (y/n) said.

       Gladion couldn't take it anymore though. Her ability to completely avoid prying into his business was bothering him greatly. She probably had already figured out what was wrong with him too and yet she still didn't make it clear to him that she understood.

        His heart wanted her to know even though his mind didn't and it was tearing him apart. He had to make it obvious without embarrassing himself. Suddenly, the cry of a pokémon could be heard. (Y/n) and Gladion looked to the skies to see Lunala about to land near them.

        "Hey, Lunala, haven't seen you since last wek. How have your travels been?" (y/n) said to her pokémon. Lunala gave another cosmic screech and it caused Gladion to worry because all of the cheer in (y/n)'s demeanor disappeared. She immediately put Rei back into his pokéball.

       "(Y/n), what's going on? I thought you couldn't understand pokémon," Gladion said noticing that she seemed to understand whatever Lunala had said.

        "I can't. Telepathy. We need to go now," she said in response. Gladion returned Silvally to his pokéball as soon as (y/n) said this.

        "Come on, let's go," (y/n) said as she climbed onto Lunala's back. Gladion did the satheand once they were both secure, Lunala took flight.

       "There's trouble near the ultra wormhole. Sun, Lillie, Hau, and Solgaleo are on their way already. Lunala didn't give me many details since the situation is urgent," (y/n) explained. Lunala gave another cosmic cry.

        "What did she say?" Gladion asked when he realized that (y/n) didn't intended on translating.

        "It shouldn't be possible but...Lunala says that a person has appeared with Necrozma," (y/n) said.

       "But isn't Necrozma..." Gladion was saying but Lunala cut him off with another cosmic cry. It was as if Lunala was speaking to (y/n) rather than using telepathy.

        "This one's different. I didn't know that there could be more than one Necrozma but Lunala says this one isn't the same one," (y/n) said. She seemed sadned all of a sudden.

        "Hey, everything will be fine. I promise. I won't let anything happen okay," Gladion said to her in hopes of cheering her up but even he felt the dread of having another major crisis. They had no idea what awaited them at the Alter of the Moon.

Hey guys I just got some more ideas for some more books but it's up to you all on whether or not I make the drafts for them. I'll give you guys more details once I get the idea complete so until next time you marvelous readers!

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