Chapter 16

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And here's yet another chapter where I still have no real author's note...oh wait, the pokémon rival who gets a book next. I forgot to tell you guys who it is...

       "Come on. We can't wait any longer," Hau said. (Y/n) had waited for a response but nothing came. Hau had come back to get her out of the facility but she didn't want to leave. She was sure that Gladion, Lillie, the other Hau, or even Sun would send some sort of message. Someone had to have been close enough to hear her message and reply.

         "(Y/n), come on. Let's go," Hau said. (Y/n) got up and followed after him despite her reluctance.

       "We need to escape before she shows up. Who knows what would happen if she were here," Hau said as they ran through the facility towards the exit. (Y/n) only nodded, sadned by the fact that she would never know if her friends had replied to her.

        "(Y/n), those Rockruff are still following me!" Rei thought as he ran alongside her. She couldn't help but crack a smile at the sight of the little ones chasing after Rei even during a crisis.

        Just as they exited the facility, an ulta wormhole appeared in front of the building revealing none ither than Necrozma and Moon herself. Hau instantly froze on sight, not daring to move. His pokémon, Crimson, growling quite fiercely at Moon.

        (Y/n) had also stopped since Hau had been leading her. She locked gazes with Moon who only looked at her with what seemed to be jealousy and most definitely hatred.

        "Thought you could get away with attacking my carefully established team did you? I thought you were smarter than that, (y/n). You should have known I'd return and find you," Moon said. Rei began to growl at her as well causing the three Rockruff behind him to follow his lead and do the same.

        "And you, Hau. I thought you were long gone by now. To think you would have enough courage to even think about going against me. I thought I broke all of your rebelliousness when I broke your old man Hala," Moon said, her attention turned to Hau.

       (Y/n), not previously knowing that Moon was the reason Hau's grandfather wasn't around, looked over at Hau. She hadn't seem him look so enraged, ever. Not even the Hau from her Alola had ever gotten this angry.

        "Say one more thing about him, I dare you!" Hau growled. Moon, seemingly amused by his words, smirked.

        "Don't you know that I could do the same to you right here and now? I don't need my other power to do that. I could just have Necrozma do it. I wonder what old Hala would have done if you and his roles had been swapped. He would have had to see you-" Moon was saying.

        Hau had already taken action, throwing a pokéball to release a pokémon that (y/n) didn't even know he had. To say she was surprised would be an understatement. In an instant, not even seconds after (y/n) had caught a glimpse of the pokémon, it had already shot forward with an attack without Hau having to even mutter a command.

        Moon, shocked by the sudden assault, had no time to dodge the series of attacks that the pokémon delivered but to her luck, Necrozma had put itself in harm's way to protect her.

        Hau, not taking his eyes off of the scene playing out before him, was distraught. (Y/n) practically sensed it from where she stood.

        "Hau, we need to use this as a distraction and get out of here. Hau! Hau, come on. Let's go!" (y/n) said but he didn't even bat an eye. She tried to pry into his thoughts with her psychic ability but whatever he was thinking had a strong grip on his mind and it didn't allow her to get through to him. Then all of a sudden, the pokémon that had been attacking Necrozma stopped and Hau fell forward, eyes staring strait ahead.

        The pokémon, as (y/n) had recognized it to be, was Tapu Koko but as soon as Hau had fallen, it returned itself to its pokéball. (Y/n) had caught Hau before he'd fallen completely, Crimson coming to her aid.

        "What did you do to him?!" (y/n) almost yelled at Moon when she no longer could locate any sort of activity in Hau's mind. Moon was recovering and didn't answer he right away but when she did, (y/n) was shocked.

         "I asked Necrozma to stop his brain activity. He should die once his heart stops," Moon casually said as if stopping people's hearts was normal. (Y/n) panicked. She had psychic power too so she could do the opposite of that right?

        (Y/n) did her best to focus on Hau's mind and tried forcing it to respond. On her first attempt, she succeeded and Hau returned to reality in quite a shocked state. He immediately sat up, coughing violently before his breathing turned normal.

        In the time it had taken for (y/n) to do this though, she had completely let her guard down, forgetting that Moon was even there. The next thing she knew was that her mind was forced into sleep and she didn't sleep well either.

         However long it would be didn't matter to (y/n) when she would wake up. All that mattered was that she found Necrozma when she did because just as her consciousness faded, she could hear it. The faint cry that couldn't have been from anyone else but a pokémon.

          "Help me. Set me free from this tyranny," the voice said. (Y/n) could only guess who the voice belonged to but it didn't add up. The voice was unmistakably Necrozma's for this one sounded almost exactly like Neroza. If it was Moon that needed Necrozma for power though, why was it Necrozma that needed saving? These thoughts followed (y/n) into her state of sleep.

Well it seems I still have more writing to do but first you guys need to know who will ne getting a book next. If you guessed that tsundere red head, Silver, then your guess was correct. Until next time you amazing readers!

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