Final Chapter

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Can you guys believe that this is it? The final chapter is here! I wonder how this story will meet its end...

       "If I were a secret letter that I didn't want anyone to see or read or even think about, where would I hide?" (y/n) thought as she rummaged through her room.

          There weren't very many hiding places there and so she found herself in a bad situation. The first being that Gladion would now probably be looking for her and the second being that he likely knew all of the places that she subconsciously went to. He would find her before she found the letter and that would be bad.
    "Come on, where would I hide the letter?!" (y/n) desperately thought as she rechecked her room. Nothing. She thought for a bit, calming herself down before she stressed herself out over a letter that she'd written. Then she got an idea.

          "Where would Gladion say I might hide something that could be a letter?" (y/n) thought. He'd told her plenty of things about herself that sort of surprised her. The only real place she could think of was her lab.

       She hadn't actually gone in the room for a while, a week to be exact. There was no time to waste so (y/n) bolted out of her room and right past Lillie who could have also been looking for her for all (y/n) knew.

          "(Y/n), wait!" Lillie called. Yep, she was looking for her. (Y/n) didn't bother to slow down though and she ended up opening an ultra wormhole right into her lab. Just in case, she locked the door to make sure no one found her there and immediately began searching. She pulled open cabinets, drawers, folders, and even boxes but the letter was nowhere to be found.

         "Come on, letter, where are you?" (y/n) pleaded in her mind as she looked though the last box. Someone could be heard trying to open the door bit of course they couldn't get in since (y/n) has cleverly locked it.

         "(Y/n), I know you're in there and you're probably mad at me but can was just please talk," Gladion could be heard saying. As tempting as the offer sounded, (y/n) could not afford to face him without that letter so she ignored him and moved on to the next spot.

         Her desk was full of randomly scattered papers but she was sure that she wasn't foolish enough to leave such an important letter out on her desk...was she? (Y/n) checked the papers anyway just to be sure but then she heard Gladion talking to someone.

       "Is she in there?" someone, most likely Lillie, asked from outside the door.

        "Yes, but she isn't opening the door. She locked it but that's fine. I have a spare key. I'll go get it," Gladion said. (Y/n) panicked a bit and accidentally hit a button on her computer's keyboard.

         The computer screen came on and displayed a video of herself at the alter or the moon and that's when a migraine suddenly found its way into her head. A memory, a very strange one, flashed through her head and she instantly remembered where the letter was hidden.

        At that same momemt, her door was unlocked leaving her with only one option. (Y/n) quickly escaped to the alter of the moon and hoped Gladion would know to eventually find her there.

         Once the ultra wormhole that she'd created was gone, she immediately began to search for the letter. It was laminated and she remembered putting it in the water of the alter. After a couple of minutes of searching, she found the laminated letter being held underwater by a light rock. She pulled the letter from the water and began to read it.

Dear Gladion,
       I know you're out trying to live your life and all and you're probably training your pokémon pretty well too. I just have something important to tell you.

         I have this really good friend of mine. He's a friend that keeps you from giving up and never goes back on his ideals. He's a friend that accepts you for you. A friend that lifts your spirits when you're feeling blue. That friend, I now know, is you. Gladion, you're that friend and I love you.

        I'm telling you this now because I'm leaving to go on my own little journey just like you are. I'll be back although I can't entirely promise you that which is why I wanted you to know how I felt. I might be gone, in Ultra Megalopolis, by the time you get back home. If I don't make it back, just know that I'll still love you.

With more love than I can give,


         She didn't have any time to react to what the letter had said for her mind had already done so. She yelped in pain as her memories came flooding back to her in a series of flashy pictures. Her head hurt worse than she had ever experienced and she dropped to her knees.

         She didn't notice until after her headache stopped that Cosmoem, the same one that had fused with her, was floating next to her.

        "(Y/n)!" she heard the all too familiar voice of Gladion calling. He landed behind her with Lunala and didn't hesitate to run toward her.

         "Are you okay? (Y/n), answer me, please," he pleaded as (y/n) held her head. She nodded and reached for the laminated letter, taking it and throwing it aside.

          "I remember everything now," she said in a small whisper. Gladion was frozen in shock although there was a bit of relief somewhere in there.

       "You do?" he asked as he helped her stand. He of course was surprised by what she said.

        "I found the letter and read it. It made me remember that I had to tell you something important," (y/n) said. Gladion shook his head at her.

        "Then before you go, can I at least tell you what's been on my mind since the day I lost you?" Gladion said.

       "No need. I'm not going anywhere and I already know. You've been trying to show me all along," (y/n) said with a smile.

        "Do you really already know?" Gladion asked. (Y/n) answered him by kissing him, one of her hands holding his cheek. Gladion didn't hesitate to kiss her back and pulled her closer to deepen the kiss.

        "I love you," they both simultaneously said as soon as they pulled away.

        "One more kiss before we go straiten things out?" (y/n) asked. Gladion didn't even give a reply to her question.

        And so with her memories restored, (y/n) became the excellent researcher that she had once been. Her research on ultraspace didn't stop but for Gladion's sake, she limited her time in the feild.

         She eventually became a pokémon professor with a little help from Lusamine, who she found did not hate her, and together with Gladion, they supervised Eclipse Paradise, an island smaller than Aehter but just as important. Gladion accepted (y/n)'s psychic pokémon obsession and her powers that did not go away even after the Cosmoem returned to Moon's dimension.

         Speaking of Moon's dimension, (y/n) sought out the pokémon of time after Gladion had mentioned the legends he heard during his travels. Celebi was more than happy to help her reverse Sun's death and Moon's loss of mind, giving them both a relatively happy ending.

And so this concludes the story but don't forget the After You Read chapter that's coming up next. See you there, you marvelous readers!

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