Chapter 13

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Have you guys guessed the pokémon rival that will be getting his own book? No? Well you've still got time! Here's the next chapter...

       There was still no sign of her. Even after a whole five months of searching, (y/n) still had not been found, and many had given up hope in looking for her. Not Gladion though. He still kept constant watch on the Alter of the Moon, the place that Moon calculated to be the best place for (y/n) to show up.

        That had been within their second week of searching for her. In the first week of the second month, Moon had come up with a device that transmitted and received signals across ultraspace just in case (y/n)'s location was found.

       All the while, Gladion had been reading her reports and watching her recordings which only made him want to see her more and more each day. They were a constant remind of how much she'd changed over the years that he wasn't there and he found himself falling for her once more.

        He still refused to accept the fact that she was gone and his mother made sure to constantly remind him of that. She had also asked him to stop searching for her, reasoning that he would only turn out like her in the end. He didn't believe so and even if he went crazy for some reason and wanted to stop searching for (y/n), Moon wouldn't.

        She made it clear that she would stop at nothing to get her power back from her and send herself home to where she supposedly ruled. Gladion wouldn't be allowing that.

       A sudden knock came from the door and Gladion jolted awake to find a recording that (y/n) had made with Rei and Necrozma that she kept calling Neroza for some reason. It seemed that she really like Neroza despite what the pokémon had caused to happen.

       In the video, she seemed so happy as she played around with Neroza, asking to be lifted using psychic ability. She was pretending to fly which almost made Gladion give way to a small smile but he couldn't do that knowing that (y/n) wasn't even there. The knock at the door sounded again, causing him to let out a huff of irritation as he forced himself out of (y/n)'s chair.

        "Who is it?" he asked as he leaned his back against the door, awaiting an answer.

       "Who else would it be? I've come up with a new way to find my target," Moon said from the other side of the door.

        "And you're bothering me why?" Gladion said. He didn't feel like dealing with Moon at the moment or at all for that matter.

        "Ask again, I dare you. Just let me in already," Moon growled. Gladion rolled his eyes and opened the door but stayed at its entrance, refusing to let Moon step into (y/n)'s laboratory.

        "If you're going to talk, then talk. I'm not letting you come in here," Gladion said.

       "Why? You think I'll trash your girl's room? You don't want me destroying the precious memories that she's had here? I could simply ask Necrozma to control your mind and let me in if I really wanted too," Moon taunted. Gladion didn't let her taunts get to him and only responded to her with a menacing glare.

        "Not a word from you? Surprising. You've amused me enough for now. I came her to tell you that I can find her easier if I just go back to my version of Alola. I have a feeling it would be helpful to us," Moon said.

       "Why are you wanting to go back all of a sudden? What do you know that I don't?" Gladion asked. Moon had made it clear that she wasn't leaving until (y/n) was found because she believed that Gladion knew exactly where (y/n) was and was waiting for her to leave before bringing (y/n) back. It was a foolish concept to Gladion, but Moon highly suspected it.

        "As if I'd tell you," Moon cooed as she turned away and began walking back towards the elevator. She suddenly stopped though and it was then that Gladion was taken control of. It had to ne none other than Moon's Necrozma that had paralyzed him in place. Moon turned back around and walked up to him, getting way too close for tolerance.

         "I don't know if I'll need to come back for a while so I'll leave you with a parting gift," Moon said as she caressed his cheek.

       Gladion wished with all of his being that he could slap her hand away, that he could close the door in her face, or even push her away. He could do a thing as she leaned forward and kissed his other cheek.

         "I bet (y/n)'s never done that before...well actually, you're her best friend. Of course she's done that to you before right? But I bet she never did this..." Moon said as she leaned forward again.

      Gladion knew what she was trying to do and he wouldn't allow it, he couldn't allow it, he didn't want to allow it. His willpower and denial must have been too much for Necrozma to keep control of because Gladion managed to break free of his paralyzed state and push Moon away.

         For a few seconds, she seemed surprised, then hurt, but those expressions of hers soon disappeared and were replaced by a glare. Gladion didn't care though. He didn't waste time in closing the door and activating the lock code.

        "You got away for now, but don't worry. I'll ne back with (y/n) soon enough amd you'll wish you hadn't just done that,"  Moon threaten through the door. Gladion didn't care to listen. He had already wiped the side of his face with the back of his hand multiple times already and he had gone back to (y/n)'s computer, staring at the screen hoping that she would miraculously appear.

       He was left that way, watching (y/n)'s recordings until he came across a particular one where (y/n) seemed kind of sad. The words that she said in that recording were like stabs to his already wounded heart.

        "I wonder...if Gladion were to ever come back...would he even care about the progress I've made? He doesn't like ultra wormholes right, Neroza. Wouldn't he hate me for researching them and you so intently rather than staying away from both?"

And so the plot has thickened just a little. Until next time you epic readers!

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