⌜ seven ⌟

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❝how many times do i have to tell you not to go out without telling me?❞

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how many times do i have to tell you not to go out without telling me?

yuta groaned, ❝we just went out at a cafe.

what if people saw you guys?

what's wrong with hanging out with a guy?

taeyong placed the papers down the coffee table, in front of yuta. they were filled with screenshots of comments about yuta's sexuality. we are living at a cruel world, do you expect people to accept it like it's normal? sure, there are some, but most of them definitely couldn't accept it and sent hate comments saying how disgusting yuta is.

even sicheng got involved with this.

can you now see why you can't just freely go around with sicheng?❞ taeyong pointed at the papers that yuta can't even look at the papers, it only hurt him. ❝this is not yet the hot topic, and i don't want it to be. before it spreads, i want you to stay away from sicheng off camera.

yuta had the guts to glare at taeyong, ❝you can't tell me what to do.

i'm your manager, yes i can.❞ taeyong said sternly. he opened his mouth to speak more but was cut off by his phone ringing. the older clicked his tongue before getting his phone from his pocket and his facial expression quickly changed after knowing who the caller was.

he didn't even have to tell the actor who was calling, yuta knows who it was and he couldn't help but curse in his own language silently.

good evening—

"let me talk to yuta."

the older sighed, giving the phone to the young actor who was sitting down the sofa comfortably. he somehow felt guilty for doing something he shouldn't have done.

"what were those comments? are you trying to ruin yourself?"

and that is telling the ceo what yuta has been doing. it's not he wanted to report it, he was forced to report what yuta's whereabouts were. if not then he would lose his job, his one and only job.

let them know about it.❞ the younger actor calmly said, it was as if nothing serious is happening, but his eyes were sending daggers to taeyong.

"are you crazy!?"

yuta pulled the phone away from his ear when the ceo shouted. he then sighed and placed it back close to his ear, ❝maybe i am?


taeyong froze from his place. he didn't know what yuta is doing but he sure knows he won't like it. he really messed up this time. he admits it, it is his fault this time. yuta is his friend, bestfriend infact, and he should protect his bestfriend. but look what he is doing to him, he is hurting yuta.

so crazy that i can quit right now.❞ yuta didn't care that he'll lose everything if he quits. he didn't care if the chinese drama he's working on right now will be ruined because of his quitting. he didn't care if his so called fans would hate him because he quitted just because his company couldn't accept him for being him. if quitting means that he'll live happily then he'll do it.

the manager's jaw dropped upon hearing it, ❝what the heck yuta?!

but the person calling had a different reaction. he was laughing, and it sure was not pleasing to the ears. "don't test me yuta nakamoto."

you don't scare me.❞ he doesn't need the company, the company needs him.

"what if i say that the moment you leave is the moment dong sicheng's life will go down?" the man giggled again, "still doesn't scare you?"

hearing that made yuta grow more angrier than before. his fist clenched and he was gritting his teeth. he had already an image of him killing his own ceo. ❝you're unbelievable.

he didn't let the ceo say another word and ended the call. he threw the phone to taeyong who was genuinely sad as he heard everything. he was about to run towards the younger and hug him, tell him comforting words but the young actor gave him a glare that made him stay on his spot.

congratulations on keeping your job.❞ yuta knows why taeyong did this, why taeyong told everything to their ceo but he still couldn't help but be mad at the older. at his own friend. he was supposed to side with him, to support him in everything. but taeyong is doing the complete opposite of what a friend should do.

i'm very sorry..

and congratulations,❞ yuta stood up from the sofa, ❝you just lost a friend.

and that's why yuta started to keep himself away from sicheng.

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