⌜ eight ⌟

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not even a hi or hello

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not even a hi or hello. sicheng hated the way yuta treated him. they only interact if they'd act together in a scene, it's not even a friendly interaction because the two were rivals in the movie. off camera, it was as if he was a ghost.

he knows something's up but he can't ask yuta what. as you can see, the japanese is ignoring him.


the actor blinked, realizing that he's still in the middle of filming a scene and here he is, spacing out. ❝huh?

"my god, let's start over again!" the director shouted, gesturing everyone to go back before sicheng spaced out.

the japanese in front of sicheng groaned, ❝we've been doing this for five times already.

sicheng let his head down when yuta went passed by him, bumping his shoulder. the chinese actor eventually went back to his place after a few minutes, still looking as sad as ever. he's an actor for god's sake, why can't he act happy? why does he have to look so obviously sad? and on top of it, yuta is the reason why.

why does yuta affect him this much when the two are just met because of their job? yuta is no one but a fellow co actor. they aren't even friends which made sicheng wonder why yuta just suddenly told him his sexuality. does that japanese trust people easily? or was it because yuta sees him different?

half of him hopes that yuta sees him different from other people because he is starting to see yuta more than just a co-actor. a friend perhaps? if a friend means that your heart beated fast when he almost kissed you then sicheng saw yuta as a friend and not as a co-actor anymore.

he's back at it in spacing put that he didn't even notice yuta approaching him and grabbing him by his collar, looking at him with anger visible in his eyes.

how many times do i have to tell you to mind your own business?❞ yuta said, going according to the script.

sicheng stayed silent, not thinking of anything. blank, that's all inside his head. his lines that he memorize, he couldn't remember it anymore. he didn't know when to speak and what to say.

lucky for him, yuta's there to save his ass from another scolding. ❝can't you just accept the fact that she's mine now and you're just a friend? a bestfriend, if you want more than a friend.

yuta wanted to pat his shoulders for knowing how to say it in chinese. the japanese to chinese dictionary was sure a handful.

yuta nudged sicheng, telling him to say his lines but the chinese continued to stay silent. he did open his mouth but no words came out. before the director could say anything and stop everything again, the female lead came to the picture. it was earlier than what's in the script but it was best than to get scolded and start over again.

don't hurt him!❞ she pushed yuta, making the japanese stumble back, and lightly shook sicheng. ❝are you okay?

sicheng didn't say anything which made yuta scoff, ❝you don't see any bruise on his face so i clearly didn't hurt him.❞ yuta turned to sicheng, looking at him. it was as if he was asking if he's okay using his eyes.

he looked very worried.

that made sicheng snap out from his thoughts and finally said something. and that something isn't even from the script. it was a good thing he mouthed it rather than saying it out loud. "are you okay?"

he had always wanted to ask yuta that, ever since three days ago where yuta started to ignore him.

the female actress sighed and just went with the script which is walking towards yuta and slap him even though he didn't hurt sicheng. yuta can only do nothing and just accept the slap, after all it's in the script.

but sicheng saw it as if it was real.

the director decided to stop for him to check the clips. the female actor turned around and carried sicheng up that was sitting down on the floor after her leaving him just to slap yuta. "sicheng what's wrong? why didn't you say anything? did something—"

the chinese actor dashed towards yuta and widened his eyes as he saw a cut in yuta's cheeks. he turned around and saw the female actress wearing a ring and it might have been the reason why there's a cut on his cheeks.

let me treat that.❞ sicheng tried, well at least he tried, to drag yuta but the japanese just stayed still. he looked emotionless just like the other days.

leave me alone, this is nothing.❞ yuta release his wrist from sicheng's hold in one swift and started walking away.

and is sicheng going to just ignore that just like what he did these past three days?

the answer is, he caught up to yuta and held the older's wrist. this time it was very tight, making sure yuta won't escape. ❝i'm going to treat that whether you like it or not!

i don't want you to!❞ yuta snapped back

sicheng clicked his tongue and dragged yuta out from the set, passing by taeil who was looking at him worriedly. his manager then nodded after looking at him, asking for permission if he could leave. going out of the room, they met taeyong who was talking to his phone.

sicheng didn't want the same thing happening, maybe it's the reason why yuta started ignoring him. and so he walked up to yuta's manager and waited for him to finish the phone call before talking to him.

i'm going somewhere with yuta.❞ sicheng said

taeyong looked over to yuta who had his head down. seeing him makes him feel guilty everytime. he was about to say no because he knows yuta will get in trouble but sicheng spoke first.

i will still take him even though you won't allow me.❞ sicheng took a bow, at least respecting the manager and dragged the japanese together with him.

yuta and taeyong locked their eyes for a short moment before breaking it for yuta was being dragged away.

taeyong sighed, ❝this is so messed up.

he shouldn't have chosen his job over their friendship.

sicheng pushed the door open and made yuta sit at the only chair inside the room. it was small, it wasn't a janitors closet but the size seemed like it. the shelves were filled with boxes and sicheng searched for the first aid kit.

it wasn't even a serious wound but sicheng was acting as if it's one. yuta had his head hung low until he could feel sicheng's index finger raising his chin up.

he got to see a beautiful human being.

tell me if it hurts..❞ that line made yuta go weak.

while sicheng was searching for something to treat the cut that had blood dripping down, yuta was there looking at him. he was thinking of everything he's been through and he can't help but feel tired of it. he was tired of pretending to be someone else, he was tired for being scolded for the same reason, he was tired of being hurt because no one accepts him for who he is.

he was hurt.

sicheng faced yuta and was greeted by a tight embrace by the japanese. he froze, thinking of what to do.

it hurts..❞ that's when he started panicking when he heard yuta cry.

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