⌜ twelve ⌟

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you know, i would rather let you choose boyfriend over our friendship.❞ yuta suddenly spoke, breaking the comfortable silence inside jaehyun's car.

they were on their way to the building where yuta's schedule is. taeyong didn't tell the actor but his schedule is going to be a cooking show. he's not alone though so taeyong didn't bother telling him for him to practice cooking at their shared apartment. in that way, yuta won't burn the apartment. yuta isn't even asking about his schedule so taeyong didn't bother telling him.

taeyong snapped out from his thoughts upon realizing what yuta just said that made jaehyun laugh from his seat, ❝huh?

jaehyun was nice enough to give them a ride. taeyong was sitting to the seat next to the driver's seat and yuta sat at the passenger seat.

are you two not together?❞ yuta removed his attention from his phone and raised a brow at taeyong.

i'm not—

soon. just wait.❞ jaehyun drove around the building the two wanted to be dropped at and stopped his car before giving the manager beside him a wink.

a teasing smile was formed in yuta's lips as he saw taeyong frozen when his face as red as a tomato. ❝oh, i will wait.

his manager blinked and looked away, opening the car door immediately and got out of the car. both yuta and jaehyun giggled and gave each other high fives before yuta followed taeyong and got out of the car.

jaehyun followed second after and cooed at taeyong's still flushed face. yuta nudged his manager. more like asking him to say his last words before they leave but it only made taeyong look at him, giving him a glare.

thanks by the way for helping my dear friend here bake a cake.❞ yuta gave jaehyun a genuine smile, ❝it was delicious.

no problem.❞ jaehyun smiled back but his eyes went to taeyong, waiting for him to say something.

yuta noticed it and nudged taeyong again, annoying the hell out of his manager.

taeyong groaned, ❝what!?

yuta pointed his index finger at jaehyun, ❝this handsome man right here is waiting.

waiting for what?

jaehyun shrugged, ❝i don't know but i'm guessing this handsome man wants a kiss.❞ he was talking about himself.

taeyong's face was so red that you might mistake him as a tomato. yuta bit his lower lip to stop himself forrom laughing at his manager's face, it was the first he saw taeyong this flushed.

taeyong looked down, ❝can i give m-my thanks instead?❞ he mumbled, still looking down ❝i can't give a kiss.. yet.❞ yuta was the only one who heard that yet and the japanese couldn't help but squeal silently, earning a look from jaehyun.

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