⌜ twenty ⌟

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taeyong got inside his shared apartment with yuta, expecting for the actor to be asleep by now

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taeyong got inside his shared apartment with yuta, expecting for the actor to be asleep by now. he mumbled a yes after seeing the living room so dark, it only means that yuta is sleeping or at least inside his room.

he slowly and silently closed the door and tiptoed his way towards his room, only to be surprised midway.

the door to yuta's room suddenly went open, making the lights inside the room shine to the living room. taeyong, with his mind not functioning well, flopped his body down to the sofa and closed his eyes. he was praying that yuta would just don't mind him and go back inside his room.

but what do you expect with bestfriends? ❝there's a reason why i'm the actor and you're the manager.

taeyong continued closing his eyes, even if yuta already turned the light on at the living room. the young actor approached the 'sleeping' boy and poked his cheeks.

you don't know how to act.

the older didn't move. he was hoping that-

oh, jaehyun is calling.

taeyong quickly shot his eyes wide open and pulled his phone closer to his face, only to see his lockscreen wallpaper. no calls from jaehyun, not even a text. he then knew he was just being fooled by the actor that was now smiling at him.

damn you.❞ taeyong pushed yuta's head away from him using his hand and sat down from the sofa.

the japanese giggled, ❝how's the date?

what date?

oh you know, the date with jaehyun.

the korean let out an awkward giggle, rubbing his nape ❝nope. i don't know what you are talking ab-

just then, taeyong's phone vibrated. it indicated that he received a text and yuta, being curious as he is, leaned closer to take a good look on who sent taeyong a message.

a wide grin then was shown in his face, ❝don't know any date huh?

taeyong groaned. he didn't know if he should feel happy that jaehyun asked him if he got to his apartment safely or be annoyed at yuta who keeps on teasing him. ❝we just had a stroll in the park.


and went out to eat, and got inside in that one store that sells plushies. do you know, along the way there's this one convenience store that has a kitkat stand and damn jaehyun is that rich to buy me a-❞ taeyong stopped when he realized what he has been blabbering about after seeing yuta giving him a look. he then cleared his throat, ❝like i said, just a walk in the park.

yuta shrugged, ❝unlike you, i'm not going to deny that a lot has happened today.

taeyong raised a brow, his attention on his phone. he was more focused on replying to jaehyun's message than to listen to yuta. but for the sake of him not to be rude, he should at least act like he cares, ❝like what?

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