⌜ eighteen ⌟

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sicheng silently made his way out of the apartment, not forgetting to wear a mask and his usual black cap

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sicheng silently made his way out of the apartment, not forgetting to wear a mask and his usual black cap. he turned left and right, making sure that no one is there to see him. then again, who would be out this late.

after a long day of filming and going into shows, the two actors are tired. but they are never tired to go out on a secret date.


the chinese jumped from hsi spot. startled but no sound came out from his mouth. seeing who just scared him, sicheng walked towards that person and hit their arm.

yuta hissed, ❝that hurt!

that's for scaring me.❞ sicheng then hugged himself, making himself warm. he regretted not wearing any jacket, just a sweater.

the night was cold and yuta could see sicheng shivering. he removed the leather jacket he is wearing and made the chinese wear it.

but what about you?

i'm fine.

sicheng then extended his arms wide open, confusing yuta with his action. ❝body heat.

and yuta may or may not have squealed loudly that caught the attention of a group of girls that is passing by them. the girls had their eyes on them, finding the two actors very familiar.

"isn't that dong sicheng?"

"who is he with?"

"he looks like yuta. the japanese actor, you know?"

the girls weren't sure, they were wearing a mouth mask and the caps were covering their eyes. they were about to go closer but yuta had already held sicheng's hand and started walking away from them. their hearts were beating fast, afraid that the girls might find out that it's them and will expose them.

that didn't stop the girls from following behind.

yuta clicked his tongue and pulled sicheng closer, who was walking slowly, beside him. he placed his hand on top of sicheng's cap and snuggled him closer for the younger's face not to be exposed.

"that's them."

"how are you sure?"

"they might just be some random gay couple going out on a date."

"i've been sicheng's fan ever since, i know that's him."

sicheng was scared, looking down and just letting yuta guide the way to the cafe they were supposed to go. but now, he didn't care about going to the cafe anymore. what's important is that they can escape before the girls get too close.

yuta knew it was getting dangerous every second as he heard the cameras clicking. he then leaned down to tell sicheng something, ❝i will count to three and we will run.

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