⌜ thirty ⌟

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oh sh!

sicheng almost cursed if it weren't just for taeil looking at him. he then smiled sheepishly and got himself up from the ground that he slipped on a while ago. after that, he went to look at his phone that had a lot of laughing comments which made the chinese pout.

"don't laugh at me." he was live and slipped while filming live. "he almost cursed in korean.." sicheng widened his eyes at the comment he read, "no i did not!"

after quitting his company, let's just say that sicheng is one free man. he had been doing whatever he had wanted to do these past few days. he went out meeting his fans and talking to them, renting jaehyun's cafe for the whole day. he went to the orphanage and got to entertain the kids there and donated a lot, may it be money or just things.

"why are you quiet?" sicheng smiled at the comment, "i'm thinking of something." he then answered the question.

or someone.❞ taeil's voice echoed from the kitchen.

"are you thinking about taeil? wink wonk." sicheng rolled his eyes at the comment he read, "when do i even think about that man."

you hurt me young man!

with sicheng now being a free rainbow, a lot of the people has seen him out in the public now often. but of course not alone. taeil is always there to acompany him and as the people now moving on from the rumors about that picture of yuta kissing a boy, they started to ship taeil and sicheng. well, not all of them. some stayed in what they believe and that is sicheng secretly dating yuta.

"is it yuta then?" sicheng was trying his best not to show a smile at that comment. "sicheng ge, have you seen yuta's press conference?"

taeil came out from the kitchen and flopped himself next to the actor that was busy reading the comments. taeil waved from the camera and giggled when he could see people spamming messages. it's not that he likes sicheng in a romantic way, he just enjoys the people's reaction. he's not alone, sicheng too enjoys his fans panicking whenever they see them together which is always.

but of course, there's no way they'll end up together. sicheng has a boyfriend and taeil, well, the short male has someone in mind.

"that will be all for today. please take care of yourselves and don't skip meals, good night!" sicheng covered the camera after waving his hand and then ended the live.

what's wrong?❞ taeil furrowed his brows at sicheng who's fingers are busy typing something and scrolling down the results that showed at what he searched. ❝oh..

sicheng smiled, pressing the video and listened to the interview. it has been a while since he had seen yuta smiling and this made his heart flutter even though the japanese wasn't smiling because of him. seeing the japanese happy made him think that maybe it is now the right time.

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