⌜ thirty two ⌟

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sicheng arrived after hours of riding the plane

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sicheng arrived after hours of riding the plane. he stepped out with a smile on his face, inhaling the scent of japan. ❝i wonder where yuta is right now.

the japanese almost got left inside the plane if it is not for the flight attendant waking him up and telling him that he is already in china. ❝sicheng, i'm here.❞ he said with a smile, admiring the crowded airport.

the two got out from the airport and starred roaming around the place. sicheng getting lost if it weren't for the help of google maps and yuta going inside to every store he sees. the two then decided to go at a place to eat to satisfy their stomachs that kept on growling.

taeil frowned, ❝why does that guy have to close for the day.❞ he complained when he went to jaehyun's cafe just to know that it was closed. he just wants to eat but too tired to cook. that's why he ended up roaming around the places and decided to just eat inside this restaurant that has not much of people.

his eyes then landed on someone that stood out among everyone. he was carrying a luggage and that's probably why he stood out, he looked like he went somewhere and just arrived here in china.

taeil furrowed his brows, doubting at who he just saw. ❝yuta?

taeyong walked down the streets with a frown on his face. there's no doubt that he is missing yuta. he missed the actor's loud voice and annoying attitude. it had just been hours since yuta left and taeyong is already all emo about it.

not only yuta but taeyong is also missing someone and that someone is jaehyun. stumbling by a cafe, it reminded taeyong about jaehyun's cafe. getting inside it, his eyes scanned the place until it landed on someone sitting the corner, eating his food.

i'm probably just seeing things.❞ taeyong giggled in panic after almost recognizing that person as sicheng.

but he's not. the person loomed up from his phone and froze when he saw taeyong looking at him, staring at him.

the older's jaw dropped. ❝sicheng?

the chinese was too shocked to even form an answer. but then, now that he found taeyong then it'll be easy for him to find taeyong now. sicheng was actually expecting to spend the whole day in finding yuta but now that taeyong is here then he can now see yuta earlier than what he had expected.

what are you doing here?

sicheng smiled, ❝i'm here for yuta.

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