⌜ twenty nine ⌟

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"what do you feel after coming out in the public and do you have plans on still continuing in the entertainment industry?"

yuta widened his eyes, not sure what to answer. here he thought the questions to this press conference can be answered by just a yes or a no. finding taeyong in the crowd, his one and only hope, just smiling. the older then motioned his hands telling yuta to continue speaking as the people and reporters are waiting for his answer.

the japanese took a deep breath, closing his eyes and just hearing the sounds of camera's clicking and the typing of the keyboards. "i'm happy." he then showed everyone a smile, "i'm happy that i can be me. i'm happy that i don't need to act to be somebody. sure, it did hurt me, and i know if not all then a lot of my fans are disappointed at me but if they don't accept me for being me then.. they don't deserve me."

gasps echoed around the room and a lot had their shocked faces on meanwhile taeyong is just there, smiling proudly at yuta.

"boys can like boys and girls can like girls. boys can be like girls and girls can be like boys. you can't stop them for being who they want to be. you are like stopping them from being happy. but as for me, disgusted looks? insulting nicknames? being different? that's not stopping me for being happy. i can be who i want to be and i must say, i am proud of what i am now." yuta paused for a moment, giving time for those people to type what he had just said. giggling, he then added, "as for being an actor.."

yuta scanned his eyes around the room and could count the number of his fans giving him a pleading look. they are probably the type of fans who wants him to continue his career. yuta had got to admit, being an actor is fun. not only you get to act on movies but you also appear in shows and even have a concert.

"i'm still thinking about it." yuta chuckled

a person raised her hand after yuta's so called speech, "i have seen comments about the chinese actor, dong sicheng, being the person you kissed in this picture." she showed yuta the pictured that got him to where he is right now. "is this really sicheng?"

now, he knows the answer but he didn't want to answer. he can't just make things up, he will worsen the situation. he also can't say the truth, who knows what will happen to sicheng if he does say that it's him.

raising his head up high he managed to say, "it is for me to know and you to find out."

come here you!❞ taeyong tackled yuta as the actor had finally finished his mini press conference he decided to held up for the people's questions to be answered and for them to shut up. ❝i'm so proud.

yuta struggled to get himself out from taeyong's arms which was around his neck, choking him. ❝h-hey..

oh, sorry.❞ the older giggled and hugged yuta, ❝you did well.

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