⌜ twenty six ⌟

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he did set an alarm

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he did set an alarm.

yuta's flight was at six in the morning and sicheng made sure he will see him take off. he set his alarm an hour before yuta's flight. he made sure it was at the highest volume and had the most noisiest ringtone which is yuta shouting and telling him to wake up.

they never got to meet on yuta's last day since sicheng had a show to attend, but of course the two of them were still communicating through phone and they video called each other on the night in that day.

sicheng made sure to set an alarm but why didn't he hear it?

what the heck!❞ sicheng pushed himself up from the bed and immediately had his eyes on the wall clock.

he didn't waste any time to quickly move and change, he even didn't take a bath. he had no time. he has only ten minutes and there's only one person to blame. he went out from his room with disheveled hair, but had proper clothes on, and glared at the short male that was at the kitchen.

you're up early—

why did you do it?

taeil tilted his head to the side, ❝do what?

sicheng's eyes then went down to the older's pocket who had something familiar tucked inside it. ❝taeil..

the older followed to where sicheng was looking and covered it quickly with his shirt, ❝since you're up, how about you help me here?❞ he then flashed a smile at the boy as if nothing happened.

sicheng couldn't help but frown and get mad at the older. ❝help yourself.

and with that, the chinese sprinted out of the apartment. he didn't even care that he didn't bring anything but just his wallet. he had only small time left, he didn't scold the older for doing something he didn't expect for him to do.

getting out of the apartment, there's no surprise that sicheng received a lot of stares. who wouldn't stare, an actor is running towards the airport. it looked like he was in a hurry for his flight but in truth he's just catching up for yuta. he's late, he knows he's going to be late.

"hey watch out!"

he even almost got into an accident. it wasn't sicheng's fault, it was a red light but the car still kept on going. lucky for that driver, sicheng is too busy to even waste his time and point out that driver's mistake. he kept on running, apologizing to the people whom he bumped.


it was a good idea to run because the traffic today was no joke. he had a glint of hope, maybe yuta is caught in that traffic and won't be able to catch up to his flight. in that way, yuta won't be able to leave or at least not today. call him selfish, but he just didn't want yuta to leave.

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