⌜ thirteen ⌟

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the chinese lied down on the sofa, blankly staring at the same old ceiling of his apartment. thinking about the cooking show he filmed together with yuta. a lot indeed happened during the filming, sicheng just hopes that he wasn't obvious. he didn't know why he couldn't control himself from blushing whenever yuta is near him, why he stutters when he talks to yuta, why he suddenly gets shy whenever yuta's eyes is on him, and why he was very distracted by that smile of his.


he swore there was nothing special with that smile. we all get it, he's like a prince when he smiles but sicheng didn't remember himself being flushed whenever he sees him smile. what happened to yuta that made sicheng this confused?

dong sicheng.

and when yuta held his hand when they wrapped up the show. he felt himself being electrocuted and he was frozen at that time, not being able to say goodbye together with the people they were filming with. he stood there, looking so lost.

a pillow then hit his face, making him stop thinking.

taeil raised a brow, ❝what's wrong with you?

sicheng pressed his lips into a thin line, and hugged the pillow very tight. he also buried his head on the pillow and screamed. he scolded himself for being so obvious. he really just hope that everything will come out great or else his company will definitely scold him, and the citizens will surely suspect his odd actions.

you are crazy.❞ taeil heaved a sigh while shaking his head, ❝just like that manager a while ago.

sicheng quickly jolt up, ❝taeyong?

yeah, him. he kept on mumbling while i was waiting for you. he was so weird..❞ the older squinted his eyes at sicheng, ❝just like you. you've been mumbling there. it's scaring me.

he was acting like taeyong? ❝yuta said that taeyong was acting like that because he was experiencing love.❞ the chinese looked down, being a blushing mess.

the older hummed, ❝so?

does that mean i'm also experiencing love?❞ he looked up looking like a curious boy.

to be honest, taeil didn't know what to answer. everyone had different perspective of love, he was afraid that he would say something wrong and might ruin what kind love sicheng is experiencing right now.

wait, it may just be because i'm sick.❞ the chinese nodded, ❝this is why i'm feeling this way.

he won't admit that he's feeling love, not when yuta is the reason why. he did not want to ruin their friendship, or whatever they had. yuta might not be feeling the same way. thinking about that made sicheng's heart suddenly clench as if someone was squishing it.

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