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They both were drunk. It was very late. He ditched Alex. Anthony left her sitting at a bench for hours in the cold. Anger pumped throughout her veins as she began to watch him tug at her shirt.

"So your just gonna have sex in the living room? Where we all sit and eat." Alex snapped noticing how startled the two of them looked.

"Alex...Shut up." Anthony slurred while staring at her.

"Hm...No. How about you go somewhere else?"

"Well let's see, I can't go to my room because I share it with you." He snapped back while swaying, and pointing his finger at her in a drunken manner.

"Don't mind this bitch. Don't you have like a guest bedroom?" The drunken girl hanging on him smiled while running her fingers along his shoulders.

"No...Lets just take Johns room. He won't mind." Anthony mumbled while dragging the girl up the stairs past Alex. Stopping next to Alex, Anthony turned and harshly slurred in her ear, "Stop being a bitch." Watching them walk down the hallway Alex screamed back, "Screw you Anthony! Screw you!" The door slammed shut and she let out an angry sigh while kicking the wall.

Making her way to her room, Alex slammed her bedroom door even harder. Brushing through her wavy knotted locks she began to cry in frustration. Why am I crying? Why am I crying? I hate him. I hate everyone, she thought while sniffling harshly. Making her way downstairs she looked around trying to think of a safe place to cry.

Sitting outside she wiped her tears and looked up at the moon, illuminating the sky. It was a bit chilly but she didn't want to go back inside. Slowly one by one she heard the other guys enter the house either drunk or high. One of them made there way outside and asked, "Alex? What are you doing out here? It's late."

"Oh...hey Flea. How was the meeting?" She sniffled while quickly wiping her face and his eyes widened.

"Oh my goodness...Anthony forgot to pick you up?"


"Are you Ok? Why didn't you call Rick?"

"I did...I just decided I would walk home."

"Alex...How did the whole divorcing thing go?"

"Uh. It was ok."

"Why? Did he sign?"


"Why are you wearing a turtleneck?" He asked while walking towards her and pulling the turtleneck down. His jaw dropped a little as he stared at the dark black and blue bruise that was in the shape of a hand around her neck. He winced knowing the bruise must have been hurting her. He was angry. Looking up at her he snapped, "Did he do this to you? Your ex?"


"I'm gonna kill him. No one should touch anyone like that."

"Flea, Stop. Please."

"What?! Why?! He hurt you, Alex."

"It's done. He's gone. My ex won't be able to hurt me anymore."

"Are you sure? I'm pretty good at punching."

"No. No it's fine. Thank you, Flea." She laughed while ruffling his hair. Shrugging he sat next to her other looking up at the sky. Turning to him she slowly asked, "You won't tell the others, right?"


"Pinky promise?" She laughed while holding her pinky out. He stretched his hand forward and wrapped his pinky around hers smiling,
"I promise."

"You do realize if you break the promise I have to cut your finger off, right?"

"Oh shit."

"Just kidding." She laughed while leaning back in the metal chair. The stars sparkled like tiny water droplets in the sky. Letting out a sigh she mumbled, "I love nights like these. It's so beautiful."

"Mhm. They look even cooler after you've smoked some pot."


"Yep. I've got a bong on me. If you want to try it?"

She thought to herself for a little bit. But a tiny voice inside her thought, it's not gonna hurt you. "Sure, why not?" Alex asked as Flea smiled and quickly ran inside to grab his bong.

"Ok, here." He mumbled while quickly lighting it and holding it up to her lips. She took a long inhale, and slowly breathed out the chemicals. The warm feeling she began to feel inside her made her giggle as she watched him take a hit. They slowly passed the bong back and forth while looking up at the sky.

"Your right." She laughed.


"The sky looks even better when your stoned." They both laughed in sync very loudly making Chad and John wake up from there slumber on the couch. Making there ways outside Chad cheered,
"Oh hell yeah! Give me a hit!"

Soon all you saw was smoke on the side of the house. They all were stoned. John and Chad were passed out on the large marble staircase while Alex and Flea were dancing in giggling fits down the stairs.

"Dude I'm high as the Empire State Building right now." She slowly said while grabbing his hand.

"You ok?" He asked while noticing she slowly began to crumble to the ground.

"No...I think I'm gonna be sick." She mumbled while sprinting to the bushes. Flea quickly followed her and held her hair back just in time as she began to throw up.

"Geez. Sorry, Alex. I think I let you have too many hits for your first time."

"It's fine....I'm tired." She exhaustively sighed, while turning to him. Sighing, he picked the disheveled girl up and made his way inside the house. The two of them fell onto the leather couch and curled up against the pillows in silence.

"Alex?" Flea asked while looking up at her.


"Do you...do you like Anthony?"

"I don't know."

"Ok. Sorry I asked."

"It's fine. You got anyone special?"

"Like someone I like?"


"No. I'm sorry. Can't say I have. I can't seem to fall in love with anyone."

"I get it. I'm afraid to love someone."

"Because your afraid you'll lose them?"

"Yeah...how'd you know?"

"I feel the same way."

"Haha. Your like my twin."

"Twin....Hey! From now on I'm officially calling you my twin."

"Ok, Flea. Night."

"Night, Twin."

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