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"Why were you two arguing upstairs?!" Flea asked while staring at the two who were now sitting on opposite sides of the dinner table, away from each other. Chad and John were quickly trying to eat there food before Alex or Anthony would snap.

"Hello? Is anyone gonna answer me?" Flea asked again while looking up from his plate of stale left over microwaved Chinese food.

"Anthony needs to learn how to respect people's decisions. And he needs to learn how to shut the fuck up." Alex snapped while slamming her fork down onto the table.

"It's not my fault! You want me! You know you want me! Why are you rejecting me now?!"

"Screw you! As if I'd ever be interested in a piece of trash like you!"

"Enough! Guys. C'mon. Enough fighting. You guys sound like children. Anthony. Respect Alex's decision and give her some space. And as for you, Alex. Try not to get so violent. I know Anthony can be an ass. But we all learned how to deal with his behavior and to let it go from one ear out the other." Flea snapped before watching the two sigh and look away from each other. He was right. They both needed to give each other some space. But he knew both of them being in the same house would cause a lot of tension so he thought of a great idea.

"Hey, Alex. I have to go to Rick's office to sign some papers for the interviews and recording sessions tomorrow. Wanna come with?" He asked as he began to clean the dirty dishes that were piling up in the sink.

"Uh. Yeah that would be cool. I need to get some fresh air. I'll go." She mumbled while helping him clean up the other dishes. Meanwhile Anthony decided to hang out with John and Chad in the living room. He liked spending time with his bandmates. To him it felt nice being with his friends, not stressing about Alex.

"Thanks for coming with me again." Flea smiled as the two of them made there way into the record studio. "No problem. I love going places. I don't know why." She laughed as they made there way into Ricks office to see a note along with the papers sitting there. Picking up the note Alex read aloud, "Flea. Take these papers back to the boys and have them signed for me tomorrow morning. Thanks, again. Rick."

"Cool. So that was it?" Alex asked as they made there way back to the car with the papers.

"Yeah. I figured it would take longer but Ricks office was unlocked. You wanna go do something?"

"Like what?"

"Hmm. I don't know." Flea sighed while opening his car door to only start laughing.

"Flea, what's wrong?" Alex softly chuckled.

Pulling out a bong from underneath his car seat Flea smirked, "You want to go smoke in the woods? It's fun! I've done it before."

"Alright. Sounds fun."

"Dude why haven't we done this before! This is great!" Alex laughed while taking another hit of the bong while leaning back onto the rock her and Flea were laying on, staring up at the stars.

"I do this all the time with my other friends. I love it. Just sitting here in nature. It's pretty cool." He sighed while letting out a puff of smoke.

"Agreed. Not to mention the fact we're pretty stoned now."

"Yeah...You see that star? It kinda looks like the band symbol."

"It kinda does! Ha!"

The two continued to pass the bong back and forth all night, and get even more stoned. The two were in a laughing fit on the rock when Alex turned to Flea sighing, "Thanks for getting my mind off of Anthony. He's a real ass sometimes. Thinking I desperately need him."

Turning to Alex, Flea was shocked as he felt a warm sensation being pressed to his lips. Alex was kissing him. She was surprised that she was kissing him, but surprisingly nothing was keeping her from pulling away. Flea slowly closed his eyes and kissed her back, as his hand slowly made its way around her waist. Pulling away he stared down at her face for a long time.



"Do you remember the first time we got high?"


"And when I told you I couldn't seem to fall in love with anyone?"


"I think I just fell in love with you."

"Yeah. Me too." She softly breathed out while staring into his eyes. Slowly reaching a hand up to caress his face she stuttered, "Y-your so sweet. Your really such a nice guy. I mean it."

"Your so beautiful." He mumbled while kissing her again. The two began to get more heated, as he slowly began to fumble with the button of her jeans. Slowly pulling the zipper down he froze and mumbled, "Sorry. We don't have to, if your uncomfortable."

"No...It's fine. Keep going." She sighed as he continued while kissing her temple. Alex didn't feel afraid. Something about Flea made her calm. The way he always sounded reassuring. Whatever he did she didn't care. Nothing he would do would bother her in the moment. They both didn't care they were in the middle of the woods. They were too stoned to care. They were to stoned to realize what they both were about to do.

"Alex...Are you sure?" Flea asked again, while brushing a strand of her hair away from her face.

"Yes." She smiled before kissing him again. He nodded while taking his shirt off, before laughing and kissing her once more.

"Hey do you guys know where Flea and Alex went?" Anthony asked while looking at the clock the read ten minutes past twelve.

"They went to get papers from Ricks office. Maybe they stopped somewhere on there back?" Chad said while patting Anthony on the back before continuing, "I'm sure it's nothing. I would go hit the haystack. We have a big day of recording tomorrow."

"Yeah...Your probably right." Anthony mumbled before making his way up to his room.

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