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"A haunted mansion? This is sick!" Flea screamed running laps inside the haunted mansion the band stood in along with Rick and Alex. Slapping a hand on Rick's back, Alex smiled, "It was Rick's idea you guys should record your next album in here! It's weird just like you all. Especially you, Kiedis." She smirked at the end of her sentence tugging on Anthony's hair. Moving there bags in was stressful. Alex had to pack all of her belongings and move into the mansion with them due to the fact she was living with Anthony. Sprinting up the stairs she shoved Chad out of the way to grab the least scary room. Throwing her bags in the closet room she jumped on the bed only to see another bed next to it. "Oh no. I have to share with someone?" Alex snapped seeing someone's belongings already on top of the other bed.

"Are you stalking me, Alex?" Anthony smirked walking into the room to see her unpacking. "In your dreams. It looks like where roommates. I'm not sleeping in the attic." She explained as she began placing her clothes into the drawers.

"Maybe your the one who has a big fat crush on me."

"Sure, Anthony. Says the one who nearly pissed his pants when he saw me unpacking."

"Oh shut it! Did not."

"You are so childish."

"Says the three year old."

"What?! That's a terrible comeback."

"No it's not!"

"There you go again with the terrible comebacks."

"Bite me, Alex."

"If you really want me too. Is that another one of your fetishes? You better not invite any prostitutes over. I'm not sleeping next to your love making sessions."

"Hmmm.... Are you hinting at something? Do you want to be in my bed?"

"Nope. Trust me, I'll let ya know if I'm interested."

"Good. I love being kept on my toes."

"See? Another fetish."

"It's not a fetish!"

"What's a fetish of Anthony's?"John asked walking into the room as Alex explained, "Anthony has a fetish of 'being kept on his toes'."

"You mean like a sex swing?" John asked making Alex hysterically laugh. "What? Your technically on your toes in a swing..."John mumbled before walking out of the room.

"C'mon where are the whips?" Alex teased opening one of Anthony's bags. "Don't open that bag!" He yelled trying to push her away when it got dead silent. A playboy magazine sat neatly on top of his clothes. Stifling a laugh she sighed, "Honestly this doesn't surprise me. I never knew you were interested in blondes-"

"Don't go through my shit, Alex."

"Sorry. Here I'll make it up to you. Open any bag of mine you want. Try and find something embarrassing." Smirking Anthony cracked his knuckles before picking up the small pouch on her bed. Unzipping it he began hysterically laughing while pulling the silver tube out asking, "Is this a vibrator?" Sighing at his obnoxious behavior, and dirty mind she grabbed the tube and pulled it apart to reveal mascara. "Nice try, Kiedis. Nice try." She sighed lightly, punching his chest before exiting the room.

"Hey! Be careful with that!" John hushed Alex as she held the old flower vase in her hands. Chad joined there conversation and said, "Yeah I would be careful with the antiques, Alex. John knocked over an old picture frame and he said it moved right after he put it on the wall." John nodded in approval to Chads statement and she rolled her eyes walking towards Flea who was tuning his guitar. "I'm excited! My Clara is gonna come visit!" He smiled playing a small victory tune with the strings of the guitar as she laughed listening to him describe his daughter Clara. "She sounds wonderful Flea! I hope I get to meet her." She smiled before walking away. Entering the dining room, Anthony was writing ideas for lyrics on a piece of paper while Rick was smoking a cigarette. Tossing the lighter to Alex she pulled a cigarette that was sitting behind Anthony's ear and proceeded to smoke it while blowing the smoke in his ear just to annoy him.

She'll keep being annoying if she sees her evil deeds bother you, Anthony thought while ignoring her. Feeling the warm ashy smoke blow against his ear he continued writing, trying not to think of the ways he could get back at her. Until one idea hit him like a wall of bricks. Smirking he continued writing while thinking, keep annoying me Alex. I dare you, and waited. Once Rick left the room he stood up smirking while walking towards her, backing her into the wall with no where to run. Her breath hitched as his lips were a centimeter apart from hers. Leaning forward he pulled the cigarette out of her mouth and smirked taking a long drag before placing it back into her mouth. Leaving her a blushing mess she thought to herself, screw you.

"Holy shit." Anthony laughed looking at the set of lingerie sitting on Alex's bed while she was in the shower. Making sure the bathroom door was shut he laughed as John slid the bra on and posed making duck lips. "Hold on let me get my camera!" Chad laughed running off. Sliding the underwear on top of his shorts the band mates laughed as John tried to make sexy faces on her bed. "This is going in the scrapbook!" Flea laughed as John blew a kiss at him.

"What the hell!" Alex yelled walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her clammy body. Everyone quickly froze then began sprinting out of the room. John quickly tossed the lingerie onto the bed while smiling at her before leaving. "Really, Anthony?" She snapped as he stifled a laugh sitting on his bed. Slipping on the puddle of water that had been created by her wet hair she cursed before she hit the ground. Standing up Anthony caught her in time right before she fell. Gasping, her eyes widened as the towel fell to the ground.

"Don't fucking look!" She screamed.

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