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"Anthony..." Alex sighed while placing her hands onto his shoulders.

"Sorry....I'm sorry..." He mumbled while pulling away before continuing, "Sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you..."

"It's Ok....I'm uh. I'm gonna go now." She quickly said while standing up and making her way towards the door.

"Wait...Alex, please! Wait..."Anthony mumbled while watching her leave the room. Damn. Now she's gonna think I'm weird. Now she's going to think I really like her or I'm obsessed with her or something. What's wrong with me? He thought while combing his fingers through his long hair. But he realized there was nothing wrong with him. He really liked Alex. To him she was perfect. Nothing about her could be changed. But he didn't understand. The way she quickly got up and left the room.
Does Alex like me back? Anthony thought while staring at the wall ahead of him. She was a mysterious girl. Who kept her feelings hidden most of the time. She built this wall around herself as if it was a protecting mechanism to keep herself safe from the world she thought was dangerous. The world her ex had described. The world that would eat people like her alive in ten seconds. A world where she would be torn to pieces, and stripped of everything she loved. Everything that made her the girl she was. She believed the lies her ex had told her. She stayed with him for the longest time. And now she doesn't want to be with anyone. If only Anthony could explain not all guys were her ex. There were guys out there that would care for her. Treat her right. Of course he was only thinking of himself at the moment. But Anthony cared. His heart ached thinking of how much he wanted to be with this girl. He had to do something. Before it was too late. Before he lost her. He decided he would tell her later tonight. Everything. How much he liked her, etc. Listening to the laughter and chatting downstairs he figured he would probably be waiting long. But he was willing to wait for her.

"You twat!" Alex laughed out loud as John proceeded to do a chicken dance around the kitchen while squeaking like a bird at the top of his lungs. Beer practically spilled out of the silly girls nose as she began to chuckle or smile. Chad proceeded to pick up a card from a deck that was sitting on top of the table.

"Alright this is a never have I ever question. Never have I ever smoked a blunt before." Chad smirked, while quickly placing the card back onto the table. Everyone clapped except for John who was smirking and proceeded to dance like a chicken again. "Now we know he's just making up lies to do the stupid chicken dance! John! You only dance if you have never done the deed that is on the card!" Flea groaned while covering his ears, trying to drown out the screeching coming from the young man. Where does such a skinny, small boy get such a loud voice? Alex thought while frowning and covering her ears with her hands. Grabbing another card she cleared her voice and read, "Never have I ever.... imagined myself in a relationship with a friend of mine." Everyone clapped and stared at Alex in an evil way as she began to laugh.

"C'mon Alex. Just clap. Anthony won't hear." John teased as he began to laugh.

"Shut up, John! I don't like Anthony like that." She sighed as her face began to blush light pink.

"C'mon Alex....Just one clap. That's all it takes and we won't judge you!" Chad began to persuade the embarrassed girl who was now burying her face into Flea's shoulder. Once it had gone completely silent she stood up and began to dance violently like a chicken, trying to imitate John. Laughter erupted throughout the entire kitchen as she began to act even more foolish.

"Sorry, Alex. But you'll never be as good as I am at the chicken dance." John sarcastically said while dancing beside her. Shoving him back she laughed and yawned while looking at the time and noticing how late it was. After saying goodnight to the guys she made her way upstairs to her room that was being shared with Anthony. Slowly opening the door she sighed while noticing he was passed out asleep, with his back turned to her. Drama queen, she scoffed while rolling her eyes before chuckling and unfolding the blankets that were placed on her bed. She quickly gasped as Anthony's hand grabbed hers quickly and tightly before he groggily announced, "Alex! Alex...I need to tell you something! It's very important!"

"Ok, Anthony...Whats up?" She asked while sitting down next to him on his bed.

"I've been thinking a lot....a lot...a long time... lot....a..." she frowned and turned to notice he was passed out asleep again.

"Stupid." She mumbled while flicking his forehead. Leaning back into his pillows she sighed while staring at him and thinking, why does he care. He protects me. No one usually cares. No one usually protects me. So why has someone decided to do it now? I don't need to be saved. I'm not a damsel in distress. Her eyes slowly flickered up and down as she frowned while staring at the sleeping Anthony. Soon both of them were passed out together with there mouths hung open, ready to catch flies.

"Isn't that something?" Chad whispered to John, while leaning against the door frame and staring at the two misunderstood souls.

"Ew. They look gross. There jaws look like they're going to fall off." John stifled a laugh while pointing at Alex.

"Guys what are you doing?! Stay out of here! Don't stalk people! Especially while there sleeping!" Flea scolded the two while shoving them away from the bedroom door. Staring at the pair sleep, Flea smiled while mumbling under his breath, "You really do like this girl, Anthony."

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