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"Good morning! John and I went to the grocery store to get ourselves food. You know we figured we mind  as well go to the store since him and I both woke up this morning, expecting to eat a nice bowl of cereal to only be left heartbroken. You all ate the cereal! Who doesn't refill the cereal stock after eating the last box of Cheerios?! I just want to know!" Alex demanded while slamming the grocery bags onto the kitchen counter, as John nodded his head in approval before standing next to her and mumbling, "Yeah. What she said."

"I ate the last box of Cheerios." Anthony smirked while staring at her across from the room. He eyed her body up and down before she scoffed, "Shut the fuck up, Anthony. Nobody wants to hear your irritating voice at nine in the morning."

"Don't get your panties into a twist because I ate all of your beloved cereal." He smirked, loving how annoyed she was getting at him. He loved the way her face turned a light shade of pink, and how her nose crinkled before she glared daggers into his eyes.

"Not just her beloved cereal! My beloved cereal!" John interjected before continuing, "You know, I am a hard-working member apart of this band! I deserve to eat a box of Cheerios whenever I want!" Anthony rolled his eyes at there sassy comments. Flea tried tuning out the noise, while Chad continued to make himself waffles. Eventually John and Alex stopped arguing with Anthony, before sitting down at the table with their bowls of cereal. Sitting down next to Anthony, Alex let out a loud sigh and smirked before putting a giant spoonful of cereal into her mouth. Anthony leaned down grabbing one of the legs of the chair, pulling her closer to him. She ignored him and continued to eat her cereal as he moved his arm to rest on the back of her chair. He continued to smirk and stare at her intently. She slowly looked at him from the corner of eye and mumbled with a mouthful of cereal, "Can I help you with something, Anthony?"

"Nope. Just admiring you."

"Well can you not. It's creeping me out."


"Because your staring at me bug-eyed, heavy breathing."

"I am not heavy breathing."

"Yes you are! Flea, wasn't Anthony heavy breathing?" She asked while looking up at Flea from across the table. He nodded and mumbled, yes before taking taking a sip of his coffee. Anthony rolled his eyes before wrapping his arm around her waist and asking, "So what are we doing today?"

"What do you mean, we?"

"I don't know. I thought we could go do something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, something fun. Or whatever you want to do. I don't care."

"Why, do you want to hold my hand? Do you want to take me shopping? Do you want to take me out on dates? Sweep me off my feet?" She teased before standing up and making her way to the sink to wash her bowl. "Fine, whatever." Anthony mumbled under his breath before making his way out of the room slightly annoyed at her teasing. She laughed before following him out of the room chuckling, "Anthony, Anthony! Wait! I was joking! I was just kidding!" Grabbing his hand she smiled, "Do you want to go to the beach? It's supposed to be warm. You could use some fresh air from all this recording inside." Slowly wrapping her arms around his waist he smiled.
"That sounds like a great idea. John, Chad, Flea! Are you guys up for a day at the beach?!" Anthony yelled  into the kitchen, smirking when they all replied yes. Alex's eyes widened as he slowly pulled away and smirked again before making his way up the stairs. She sighed before thinking to herself, Damn. I was only joking when I teased him about wanting to spend the day with only him. And now he's teasing me about the beach. Nice one, Kiedis. I too can play this game.

"Wow the weather sure is nice." Alex smiled while stretching her arms out, enjoying the beautiful beach scenery before her. The smell of the salty waves sent shivers down her bare arms as she walked further towards the waves, stopping about a good distance away so she could set up her towel and umbrella. The guys had already changed into their bathing suits and were sprinting towards the water, screaming at the top of there lungs. She chuckled while shaking her head and began to strip of her clothes to reveal the black one piece she had worn underneath. Sitting down on the blanket she leaned back and sighed before closing her eyes, taking in the sun. Just before Anthony ran into the water he turned and stopped in his tracks, eyeing Alex down. She's so beautiful, he thought to himself as he turned around and made his way towards her. Slowly stopping next to her he rolled his towel out and laid down next to her before mumbling, "You're gonna get sunburnt, you know."

"No I'm not, Kiedis. Leave me alone." She mumbled before closing her eyes once again. He sighed before turning to face her again, this time he propped his head up with his elbow.

"Hm?" Alex asked, while turning her face away from the sun to look at him.

"I'm just afraid your going to get sunburnt..." He smirked while slowly placing his hand on her thigh before whispering, "I can put sunscreen on you if you want." She blinked her eyes at him a couple of times before swatting his hand away and snapping back, "I put sunscreen on at the house."

"Are you sure? Maybe you missed a spot." He argued back.

"Nope. I used a mirror. Thanks for thinking of me, Anthony."

"I think about you all the time."

"I'm sure you do."

"I'm serious."

"I know." She sighed again before snapping, "Why don't you go take a swim? Hm? I want to get some rest."

"Why? What's wrong?" Anthony asked while noticing the painful expression on her face.

"I don't feel good."

"What do you mean you don't feel good?"

"I just don't feel good, Anthony! How hard is that too understand?!"

"Geez. Sorry. What's wrong?"

"My stomach hurts."

"Did you eat something bad?"

"Just the cereal from this morning. It was new. I just bought it."

"Did you put milk in it?"


"Maybe the milk went bad?"

"No. I double checked the milk before pouring it in the bowl."

"Hm. I don't know."

"I don't know either."

"Maybe the sun isn't the best option for you. Here let me help." He mumbled before placing the umbrella into the sand. Once he made sure she was in the shade he used spare towels as a pillows to keep her head propped up. "Thank you, Anthony. I appreciate it." Alex smiled before squeezing his hand tight. He nodded before sitting down right next to her.

"You don't want to go play with the other guys?" She asked before motioning to the rest of the band wrestling in the water. Anthony shook his head no and grabbed her hand smiling, "No. I'll stay here with you. Incase you don't feel good and want to go home."

"Thank you...Is it ok if I lean back against your chest? The pillows hurt my neck." She mumbled, slightly blushing as he took his shirt off. He nodded as she moved closer to him, slowly leaning back into his chest before closing her eyes. Anthony hummed to himself while playing with tiny strands of her hair as she slowly began to fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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