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Ouch. What the fuck? Why does my back hurt? Alex thought while rolling to her side only to feel a cool breeze. Her mattress felt so weird. Slowly opening her eyes she began to scream as she noticed she was on a rock in the middle of the woods. Looking down to notice she was naked made her even more confused as she began to reach for her bra, to quickly get dressed before something or someone would see her. Where's my underwear? She thought while looking around but shrugged before putting her jeans on commando. Turning to her she saw a naked Flea sound asleep on the rock next to her.

"Flea...Flea! Get up!" She mumbled while shaking him as she began to slide her jeans on. He eventually woke and snapped, "What the fuck? Where are we? Why am I naked?" He immediately began getting dressed as well. Both of them froze as she picked up the bong.




"We had sex?!" The two of them yelled, causing birds to fly away. "Holy shit. Oh my god. I'm beginning to remember last night. Flea. We were stoned. Oh my god. Flea I can't believe we had sex." Alex panicked while placing her face into her palms.

"Oh god. Alex I'm so sorry. I was so stoned. I'm sorry. I don't like you like that."

"It's not your fault! I was stoned too....And I agree. I don't like you like that, Flea. I guess we were so stoned we didn't realize what we were doing."

"Yeah...Oh my god! We have recordings today! We have to go! What will the others think of us?! Holy shit. Anthony's gonna kill me! Alex, What are we gonna do?!" Flea panicked as the  two sprinted to the car.

"Flea. Nobody needs to know. This is our little secret. Okay? Who cares what Anthony thinks? We're not dating. We can go back to being friends! It's all fine. Ok?" She sighed while placing her hands onto his shoulders.

"Ok...But What will we tell the others? They're gonna wonder where we were all night!"

"Simple. Flat tire. We got stuck on the parkway. And there was no one around so we camped out until we saw someone in the morning."

"Alright. Alright. That's cool. That's believable."


"Alex...I know we're rushing to get back to the house in time for the album recordings. But I just want to let you know when the days over...I just wanna talk about last night. Ok?"

"Alright..."Alex lied. She was hoping he would eventually forget about it. But Flea wasn't that type of guy. He cared. The car ride back was dead silent. It was awkward. How do you make conversation with someone you just had sex with? Alex thought while looking out the window. Everything was kinda a blur, but it was slowly coming back to her. One piece at a time.

"Morning everyone! Sorry we're late!" Flea apologized while walking into the house filled with a couple camera men, along with Rick who was standing there annoyed.

"Flea, Alex. Why are you guys late? And where are the papers?" Rick asked while shaking his head.

Shit. The papers, Alex thought while trying to remember where they put the papers. But nothing came to her mind. "Oh um. Right here." Flea smiled while taking the papers out of his back pocket before continuing, "The other guys just need to sign them. Alex and I got a flat tire on the parkway last night so we camped out until we saw help."

"I see..."Rick mumbled, apologizing for yelling at them. "The guys are practicing in there..." he mumbled while motioning to the living room. Alex followed behind Flea into the big room. "Where the hell have you guys been?! I was worried." Anthony sighed while getting up to quickly hug Flea. After hugging him he walked towards Alex and held her hands whispering, "You Ok? You look tired..."

"Yeah...Flea and I were on our way back last night when we got a flat tire. We were on the parkway and there was no one around. We decided to camp out til morning..."

"Damn that's terrible. You can go take a nap upstairs if you don't want to help manage. It's fine-" Anthony began to say before she interrupted, "No! It's fine! I'm ok..." he nodded before turning and talking to Flea. Her eyes traveled down Fleas back and she nearly fainted to see what was dangling out of his back pocket. Her black laced underwear. Anthony slowly began to follow where her eyes were staring before she quickly jumped into his arms sighing, "Oh...I'm sorry. I felt so faint. I couldn't sleep in the car last night. Can you go get me a glass of water?"

"Yeah...Yeah. No problem." He smiled before pulling away and jogging to the kitchen. John and Chad were to busy screwing around to notice anything. She quickly pulled Flea towards her and harshly whispered, "My damn underwear is in your back pocket." His eyes turned into saucers as she quickly grabbed them and shoved them into her bra. Anthony returned with a glass of iced water smiling, "Here."

"Thank you." She mumbled while grabbing the glass before taking a long sip. The water sent goosebumps along her arms, waking her up. Sitting down on the couch she watched the guys practice before the big recording sessions would begin. Anthony looked so confident as he sang and smirked while sticking his tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes and lied face down on the couch trying to get some rest. She was tired. Her back hurt. Lying back on a rock was not how she planned on spending her night. She felt fairly ill too. This always happened when she smoked too much. Quickly getting up she knew she was going to throw up. Anthony noticed the panicked look on her face as he watched her sprint up the stairs. Quickly following her, he was just in time as he held her hair back before she began to vomit into the toilet. Seeing the clear liquid she knew it was from the pot. God. Your disgusting. What are you doing with your life, she thought while she stared down into the toilet. Tears began to trickle down her face. Anthony began to notice her body start to shake. Quickly picking her up and placing her on the kitchen counter he lightly laughed, "Alex...Why are you crying? It's only puke. Are you feeling alright? I think you should go rest in bed..."

"No...I'm fine. I hate myself, Anthony. I'm so gross. I don't want to contaminate my bed. In case I throw up again. I'll just sit here. Go downstairs." She softly cried while sniffling, wiping her tears on her forearm. Rolling his eyes, Anthony picked the sad girl up and carried her to his bed. Slowly and carefully placing her underneath his sheets he wiped her mouth with a tissue saying, "If you feel like your gonna throw up again, there's a trash can next to the bed."

"Alright. Thank you, Anthony."

"Don't thank me. Sorry I was an ass to you yesterday..." He apologized while bringing his hand up to the side of her face before continuing, "I'm willing to wait. I'll be here whenever your ready." After placing a light kiss against her forehead, he made his way out of the bedroom leaving her by herself.

"O-Okay..." She mumbled while holding her forehead, lightly blushing where the kiss was placed.

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