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"Ah. Shit it hurts." Alex groaned while biting her shirt.

"It's going to. But this going to make it feel better." Anthony mumbled while placing the ice pack against the dark purple bruise along her neck. After there little chat, they both decided it was best to head back to the mansion. But Alex was still left hungry. She forgot to get food while they were out. They were sitting on the couch along with the rest of the band members who were watching tv. A loud grumble interrupted the silence causing Alex to laugh out loud, "Sorry that was my stomach. I forgot to get food while we were out."

"Oh Geez. That was my fault. I forgot you were hungry." Anthony apologized before continuing, "Do you want me to go get you some food? What do you like?"

"Uhm, sure. That would be great. Thank you.
Would you be able to get me a turkey sub? I'll give you the money-"

"No don't worry about."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

"Thank you."

"You already said thank you." He smiled before taking the ice pack off her neck and saying,
"Lets take a break of the ice pack while I'm gone. Then we'll put it back on the bruise when I get back." Alex nodded her head slowly and watched him leave the room to be accompanied by Flea who was hungry as well.

"So how does it feel?" Flea asked as Anthony drove along the quiet intersection.

"How does what feel?"

"How does it feel to be Alex's bitch?" Flea laughed hysterically while receiving glares from Anthony who swerved the car on purpose to try and scare his best friend.

"Shut up. Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Because it's true. Your always babying her every ten seconds. Asking what you can do for her. And whenever she needs something you do it for her. She has you wrapped around her finger."

"Stop. She does not."

"Well then what are you doing right now?"

"Getting a turkey sub."

"For who?"



"Flea...I think I've done it."

"Done What?"

"I think I've fallen for Alex. Harder than I expected."

"It's pretty obvious."

"I know, I know. I like her a lot. I can't help it."

"Where did you guys go to talk?"

"My old apartment."

"Ooh. Did anything happen?"

"Yeah. I kissed her."

"How did she react."

"I...I don't know. She slowly kissed me back but now that you mention it, I don't know how she feels about me."

"Her and I were talking about love last night."

"And? Did she say anything about me?"

"Uhhh, no. Not that I can remember." Flea lied, while scratching the back of his head recalling last night when Alex told him she wasn't sure if she liked Anthony or not.

"Oh. I see. Do you think she likes me?"

"I mean...yeah. I think you have a chance."


"Yeah...Yeah I think so."

"Thanks. I just don't know how to react when I'm around her. Like how do I tell her I like her?"

"Just do it."

"But, when?

"Hmm. I don't know. I guess it just depends on the right time? How would I know?! Your the flirty one."

"I know! It just feels like I'm falling in love for the first time! Is that weird?"

"No...not at all. I've never felt that way about a person."

"I hope you do." Anthony smiled before getting out of the car, and entering the sandwich store. Flea contemplated for a while in the deafening silence. How come I've never felt this way? He thought to himself while strumming his fingers along the dashboard. There was a pit in his stomach as he watched Anthony stand in line patiently, in thought like himself. Anthony always says this. He likes a girl. No, he loves a girl. This is the one. That's what he always tells everyone. Then after sleeping with them there dead to him. I hope he doesn't do this to Alex. Please. Don't do this to Alex. She's too good to be treated like shit. I hope he treats her right. If she likes him back-

"Hey! Why the lonesome face? You look so depressed!" Anthony laughed while tossing the bag of food to Flea and sliding into the car seat.

"Nothing. Just thinking. So when are you gonna tell Alex you like her?"

"I'm not sure. I think whenever I feel I'm ready I'll tell her."

"How will you know when your ready?"

"I don't know. I just will. It's one of those gut feelings, you know?"


"You ok, Flea?"

"Yeah....You really like Alex right? It's not like one of those things where you just try to sleep with her....right?"

"What?! No....No. Why would you say that?"

"I don't know! I'm just nervous. You do this a lot."

"I promise. It's not. Please. Believe me."

"Ok. I believe you. Just don't break her heart...Ok?"

"I promise." The rest of the car ride was silent after there little feud. Anthony was annoyed that Flea would think such a thing. But he was right. Anthony just brought home another girl he slept with last night. Did he love her? No. She was just another distraction. Just like the others. He loved Alex. He had never felt this way about anymore before. Something about her made his heart beat faster when he was around her. The way she smiled. The way she teased everyone. To him she was perfect. She was the one. Except there was a problem.
Does she like me back? I hope she likes me back, he thought while stopping at the yellow light that began to turn red. Her wavy brunette hair made him want to play with it forever. Her eyes. That's what sucked him in. He could get lost in her eyes forever. And the kiss. When he kissed her it felt like it was just them in the world. Nothing else mattered at that moment.

I love her, Anthony thought while pulling into the driveway.

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